How to use \textcircled in Rmarkdown?

In Rmarkdown, you can use the \textcircled command to create circled text, which can be useful for highlighting certain parts of your document or creating visual interest. The \textcircled command is provided by the circled package in R Programming Language, which you will need to install and load in order to use.

To use \textcircled in Rmarkdown, you simply include the command followed by the text you want to circle, like this: \textcircled{your text here}. You can Customize the appearance of the circle by adjusting the font size, Color, and other properties using CSS or LaTeX commands.

Here are the steps you can follow to use \textcircled in Rmarkdown:

  • Install the circled package by running install.packages(“circled”) in the R console.
  • Load the package in your Rmarkdown documents by including library(circled) in the code chunk where you plan to use \textcircled.
  • Use the \textcircled command in your Rmarkdown document, passing in the text you want to circle as an argument.
    Customize the appearance of the circle using CSS or LaTeX commands if desired.

Here given some examples of using \textcircled in Rmarkdown.


title: "Circled Text Example"
output: pdf_document
# Example
Here are three important points to remember:
- \textcircled{1} Always back up your data.
- \textcircled{2} Test your code thoroughly before running it on production data.
- \textcircled{3} Document your code and workflows clearly.



Let’s look at another example of how to use the \textcircled command in R Markdown.


title: "Circled Text Example"
output: pdf_document
# Example
This is an example of circled text: \textcircled{1}.



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