How to use Return in JavaScript ?

JavaScript allows us to use the return statement to end the function’s execution to specify the value that needs to be returned to the code that is calling it. Below are the methods and examples of how to use a return statement in JavaScript.


function nameOfFunction()
return result // Value that need to be returned

Table of Content

  • Simple return statement
  • Return statement to return different types
  • Return statement for returning objects
  • Return statement to return a function
  • Return statement to exit function prematurely

Simple return statement

Return statement is used to depict how a function after the completion of its execution can produce some result that can be used further.

Example: Sum of two numbers returned as simple return statement.


function sum(firstNumber, secondNumber) {
    return firstNumber + secondNumber;
console.log(sum(1, 2))



Return statement to return different types

Functions in JavaScript are not just limited or bounded to return specific data types, but they can return different data types based on the logic that is defined inside the function.

Example: Demonstration of returning string, number & array data type.


// Returning string data type
function Value() {
    return "w3wiki";
// Returning number data type
function Number() {
    return 2015;
// Returning array
function Array() {
    return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
console.log(` Returned value is ${Value()}  \n`);
console.log(` Returned value is ${Number()} \n`);
console.log(` Retunred value is ${Array()}  \n`);


 Returned value is w3wiki  

 Returned value is 2015 

 Retunred value is 1,2,3,4,5  

Return statement for returning objects

JavaScript functions also allow us to return the object which helps in hiding the related data and behaviours.

Example: Returning company object using the return statement.


function Object(name, founded, location) {
    let company =
        name: name,
        founded: founded,
        location: location
    return company
let companyobject = Object("w3wiki"
    , 2009, "Noida")


{ name: 'w3wiki', founded: 2009, location: 'Noida' }

Return statement to return a function

JavaScript has a concept of higher-order functions that allows us to pass another function as an argument inside a function or return another function or both, this mechanism can be used for creating another reusable function with specific behaviour and also allows the creation of closure.

Example: Using a return statement to return a function.


function Function() {
    return function () {
        return "w3wiki";



Return statement to exit function prematurely

A return statement can also be used to exit the function prematurely in JavaScript in those cases where the condition is met.

Example: Using a return statement to early exit from the function based on certain conditions.


function isDivisible(number)
    return true;
  return false;
console.log(` Number is divisble by 2: ${isDivisible(107)}`)
console.log(` Number is divisble by 2: ${isDivisible(24)}`)


 Number is divisble by 2: false
 Number is divisble by 2: true

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