How to use Interface with Class in TypeScript ?

Interface and Class in TypeScript are fundamental concepts for defining object structures and behavior, where interfaces provide a blueprint for properties and methods, and classes implement these interfaces to create objects with specific functionality and structure.

These are the following methods:

Table of Content

  • Interface Implemented by Class
  • Multiple Interfaced Implemented by Class

Interface Implemented by Class

In this approach, an interface named Shape is defined with a method calFn() that calculates a shape’s area. The Rectangle class implements the Shape interface by providing its implementation of calFn(), the calculation of a rectangle’s area when an instance of Rectangle is created and calFn() is called on that instance.


class ClassName implements InterfaceName {
   // Class properties and methods

Example: The below example demonstrates the Interface Implemented by the Class.

interface Shape {
    calFn(): number;

class Rectangle implements Shape {
    constructor(private width: number,
        private height: number) { }

    calFn(): number {
        return this.width * this.height;

const obj = new Rectangle(5, 10);
console.log('Area of rectangle:', 


Area of rectangle: 50

Multiple Interfaces Implemented by Class

In this approach, a class Circle implements both the Shape and Color interfaces, allowing it to define methods for calculating area (calFn()) and specifying a color. When an instance of Circle is created, it can access methods from both interfaces, such as retrieving the color and calculating the area of the circle.


class ClassName implements Interface1, Interface2, ... {
   // Class properties and methods

Example: The below example demonstrates the Multiple Interfaces Implemented by Class.

interface Color {
    color: string;
interface Shape {
    calFn(): number;
class Circle implements Shape, Color {
    constructor(public radius: number, 
        public color: string) { }

    calFn(): number {
        return Math.PI * this.radius ** 2;

const obj = new Circle(5, 'red');
console.log('Color of circle:', obj.color);
console.log('Area of circle:', obj.calFn());


Color of circle: red
Area of circle: 78.53981633974483

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