How to Transparently Overlaid Two Directories Using UnionFS in Linux?

To transparently overlay two directories one on top of the other using UnionFS following steps must be followed: 


Step 1: Enter into the superuser mode and install the unionfs-fuse package


$ apt install unionfs-fuse


Step 2: Now create a dir1 directory and then create two files f1 and f2 inside that directory. 


$ mkdir /root/dir1
$ touch /root/dir1/f1
$ touch /root/dir1/f2


Step 3: Create a dir2 directory and then create two files f3 and f4 inside that directory. 


$ mkdir /root/dir2
$ touch /root/dir2/f3
$ touch /root/dir2/f4


Step 4: Create a directory called union 


$ mkdir /root/union

Step 5: Now mount dir1 and dir2 to the union directory using unionfs-fuse and then list the files. 


$ unionfs /root/dir1:/root/dir2  /root/union/
$ ls /root/union/
f1 f2 f3 f4


Hence we can see that all the four files f1, f2, f3, f4 are available in the directory union

Step 6: To remove unionfs-fuse package use the command. 


sudo apt-get remove unionfs-fuse 

Step 7: To remove the unionfs-fuse package and it’s dependent package use the command. 


sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove unionfs-fuse


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