How to Switch From Software Engineers To DevOps

Career shifting is very tenacious as well as fruitful in various cases, A decent MNC requires a person with good skills and confidence. Nowadays DevOps is in a Trend and as a Software Engineer one must know how to excel in DevOps. This article deals with the same.

If in the past you’ve been a software engineer with a good hold on coding you can surely try and thrive in the field of DevOps and this article is going to provide you with the if and why to switch your career effectively. The steps mentioned below will provide you with insights into how to shift your career swiftly and effectively.

Table of Content

  • What is a Software Engineer?
  • What is DevOps?
  • Why Switch from Software Engineering to DevOps?
  • How To Switch From Software Engineers To Devops
    • 1.DevOps Basics
    • 2. DevOps Tools and Technologies
    • 3. Portfolio and Project
    • 4. Certification Needed and Recommended Learning Resources
    • 5. Networking and Collaboration
  • Conclusion

What is a Software Engineer?

Software engineering is a streamlined and elegant process of planning, creating, and testing software. For maintenance and reusability of the software, engineers often break it into smaller modules. Software engineers often update the software in order to prevent bugs and do frequent debugging to minimize the chances of errors. These engineers make proper use of resources to ensure great performance by using databases, algorithms, reasoning, and analytical skills. A software engineer is there to promote adaptability, reusability, efficiency, and optimum use of memory capability to deliver a rigorously tested product to the market.

Salary Aspect:

  • Maximum salary: ₹1.4 Crore per annum
  • Minimum salary: ₹4.2 Lakh per annum
  • Average salary: ₹7.36 Lakh per annum

What is DevOps?

A mixture of tools and teams that enables fast and legitimate software delivery is known as the DevOps model. It promotes high efficiency, automation, and continuous improvement, along with collaboration. A DevOps engineer works on the principles of DevOps to deploy perfect software, which is provided by using automation and rigorous tests. From the car industry to planes, from e-commerce websites to trading companies, DevOps is used in almost every field. Through collaboration in microservices architecture, IaC ( Infrastructure as Code), DevOps improves scalability along with availability. Anyone who aspires to do well in DevOps needs to have good experience in Software engineering.

Salary Aspect:

  • Maximum salary: ₹1.7 Crore per annum
  • Minimum salary: ₹5.7 Lakh per annum
  • Average salary: ₹9.45 Lakh per annum

Why Switch from Software Engineering to DevOps?

Before switching to the DevOps field, you must know all the points that make it a good decision for you.

By switching to the DevOps field effectively, you can see a clear salary hike of up to 30 percent. This hike is due to the new skills you have along with your experience in software engineering.

Apart from software engineers, DevOps engineers have a better balance between work and life as they are able to handle user interactions with efficiency. By leveraging their combined expertise in projects, the bond between a software engineer and DevOps guarantees success in projects.

When one shift from the software engineering field to the DevOps field, he/she is able to meet industry standards, and by learning and mastering new tools, one can easily withstand industry requirements. The DevOps field also promotes the growth of careers with the help of upgraded skills.

How To Switch From Software Engineers To Devops

1.DevOps Basics

A. Analyze skills

In order to withstand the existing DevOps engineer, you’ll have to analyze your available skills and master them to the next level. You must be ready to learn and master the skills and programs required to become a DevOps engineer from a Software Engineer.

B. Recommended Language

In order to manage configurations, interact with the programs via coding, and lastly perform tasks with repetition one must have command of Python, Ruby, and Bash ( Scripting languages).

  • Python: Good and Evergreen language with plenty of tools. It has an easy-to-read syntax with good file handling.
  • Ruby: It is often used for web development, and the syntax is somewhere elegant to read. It is beginner-friendly.
  • Bash: It is good for shell scripting and system concise syntax with limited features.

You can learn these scripting languages easily via good books, by taking courses online, and the main goal is to practice a lot of challenges to improve the basics of scripting. The major benefit of following this step will help you be highly efficient and reduce the chances of error.

C. Research the fundamentals of DevOps

Limited knowledge of anything is harmful; hence, before shifting to this career, one needs to properly research the basic fundamentals of the DevOps field.

D. DevOps principles

Before proceeding with the shift, one needs to understand the principles of development and operations in order to automate the formation, testing, and release of certain software. To understand the principles and basics of this course, one can read various books and take courses or workshops across the globe.

By doing this, you are going to have immense confidence, and it will help you communicate with your colleagues. A good grip on the basics will lay down a strong foundation for software with good credibility.

2. DevOps Tools and Technologies

One needs to be proficient in the trending tools of DevOps, The famous tools are Git, Selenium, Jenkins, Docker, etc.

  • Git: It is a foundation that is required to do version control along with history tracking in coding projects. One can view online videos or tutorials and do ample practice to master merging and branching.
  • Docker: It is used to containerize the dependency of applications by easing the deployment. It helps users to improve scalability along with the utilization of resources. Before managing the real scenarios one can commence with official documentation.
  • Selenium: If any beginner wants to have quick bug or error detection with automated testing and improved software, Selenium does that all for you. One can master it through online courses and loads of practice
  • Jenkins: This tool helps to reduce errors by eradicating manual errors through automation of CI/ CD pipelines. It helps the user to improve the creation, testing, and deployment process. In order to master this tool one can view online tutorials and do practice.

3. Portfolio and Project

The contribution to various DevOps projects will definitely help you as a beginner who wants to shift into DevOps.

A. Create a DevOps project

Nothing is much better than creating solo projects on something in order to gain experience. One can do it by creating Jenkins remoting, automating infrastructure provision, and orchestrating the Docker containers. By creating these DevOps projects, one can strengthen their DevOps experience.

B. Gain hands-on experience

In order to gain hands-on experience, one can use tools such as Azure and Jenkins which mostly help in the deployment of containerized applications to make CI/ CD pipelines.

C. Contribute to open source

One more popular method to create a strong portfolio is to participate in open-source forums or communities by sharing your experience and gaining knowledge from other’s mistakes. You can do your part by enhancing the quality of DevOps technologies and tools, along with reporting errors and bugs.

In order to Excel in the DevOps field as a beginner one needs to have various experiences showcased by certification along with proper use of resources available on the internet.

Certifications to be Gained:

  • AWS Certified DevOps Engineer: One can gain this certificate by using the fundamentals of DevOps in deployment, managing, and operating in an AWS environment.
  • Certified Kubernetes Administrator ( CKA): It showcases the efficiency of the user in the maintenance, and deployment of Kubernetes architecture.
  • Certified Jenkins Engineer: This piece of certification showcases the proficiency of automation in Jenkins and also the delivery of CI/CD pipelines.

Learning Resources :

  • w3wiki provides a comprehensive collection of tutorials, articles, and practice problems on various IT subjects, including DevOps. We offer beginner-friendly explanations, along with quizzes and practical coding exercises to solidify your understanding.
  • Pluralsight: This resource comes with a skill assessment feature that helps beginners to view their level. It even crafts courses according to the level of the user.
  • Coursera: It provides the user with courses on DevOps and various other subjects curated by top institutions. It promotes community interaction, with certificates.
  • Udemy: This resource provides lots of courses and problems on various tools and technologies ranging from Docker, Jenkins, etc. One of the major standout features is that Udemy provides projects and real-life problems promoting a practical approach.

5. Networking and Collaboration

One of the major contributions of a skillful person is the ability to show it to the people in need and that is done via networking and doing representation by a good looking highly detailed resume.

A. Attend seminars and webinars related to DevOps

Joining online open-source forums and communities helps you to sail smoothly as a DevOps engineer. You can join these forums on various platforms such as LinkedIn etc. One can attend good and valuable webinars provided by DevOps experts and gain more information on them. Through collaboration with experts, one can have a mentorship that will help him/her to succeed in the field.

B. Connect with DevOps Professionals

There are various examples available across the globe, which prove how networking helps one to get landed in their dream job. It doesn’t work out in one day but it works out one day. One can attend valuable career fairs organized by various institutions and MNCs in order to establish contacts. Apart from normal interviews, there is a concept of informational interviews with Hiring managers which helps one to gain knowledge and succeed in real interviews.

C. Join communities

You can also follow and connect with the DevOps experts and also follow the software engineer who later turned out to be a successful DevOps engineer. One can also join paid or free memberships just to have good help while solving problems and mastering the DevOps tools.


Therefore, by following these steps wisely with proper time management and ample practice, one can easily have a smooth transition from software engineer to DevOps, which will eventually increase his/her experience in the market. Undoubtedly, moving from this transition may not just require technical skills but will also require a mindset change, a mindset that focuses on creating good software that is up to the expectations of industry standards.There are many benefits of this transition whether it is about a salary hike, work environment, or earning a new skill which requires time but the results are fruitful.

How to Switch From Software Engineers To DevOps – FAQs

What are the benefits of understanding DevOps principles for a software engineer?

In order to enhance the development of Software one needs to to gain knowledge about DevOps. DevOps deals with automation along with collaboration which ultimately delivers great software. Understanding Devops Principles becomes easy for software engineers as they have already some good hold on a few topics required in Devops.

What is the role of scripting languages in the transition to DevOps?

Python, Ruby, or Bash ( Scripting languages ) are like foundations to the transition as they enable the learner to automate the infrastructure provisioning along with configuration management and deployment. If anyone is good at scripting then he/she can create a stable and improved system by writing great scalable automation scripts.

Is the knowledge about cloud platforms required for the DevOps Role?

Not necessary, But if one has knowledge regarding the cloud platforms ( Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, etc.) Can thrive through it. These platforms enable the automated provisioning of resources and scalable infrastructure along with the deployment of applications

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