How to subtract mixed fractions from whole numbers?

The subset of numbers that includes zero and all positive integers is known as whole numbers. The overall number goes from 0 to infinity. These numbers are used in everyday computations, mostly to measure fundamental quantities. Natural numbers are made up of solely whole numbers, including zero. The numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7 … denote the subset. The subset excludes fractions, decimals, and negative integers.

Positive integers, also known as counting numbers, are parts of whole numbers that contain zero, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and so on, while excluding negative integers, fractions, and decimals. 10, 11, 12, 22,28 100, 1000, and so on are examples of whole numbers.

Mixed Fractions 

A mixed fraction is a form of the fraction that has both a whole number and a fractional part. For Example, 3(5/2) is a mixed fraction and here 3 is a whole number and 5/2 is a fractional part. 2(4/3)  is a mixed fraction and here 2 is a whole number and 4/3 is a fractional part. We’ll learn subtraction of fractions in next sections:

How do you subtract mixed fractions with whole numbers?


To subtract mixed fraction with whole number 

Follow some steps,

  • Step 1: Make an improper fraction from the mixed fraction.
  • Step 2: Express the whole number as a fraction with 1 as the denominator.
  • Step 3: Subtract the fractions

This is the proper way to subtract mixed fraction with whole number.

Sample Questions

Question 1: Subtract 3(4/5) – 8?


Given: 3(4/5) – 8

Here mixed fraction 3(4/5)

Step 1:  Make an improper fraction from the mixed fraction.

Therefore, 3(4/5)

= 19/5 as an improper fraction

Step 2: Express the whole number as a fraction with 1 as the denominator. So 8 we can write as 8/1

Step 3: Subtract the fraction i.e 19/5 – 8/1

= Here the lcm of denominators are 5

= (19 – 8)/5

= 11/5

Question 2:  Subtract 8 – 5(2/3)?


Given: 8 – 5(2/3)

Here mixed fraction 5 (2/3)

Step 1: Make an improper fraction from the mixed fraction.

Therefore, 5(2/3)

= 17/3 as an improper fraction

Step 2: Express the whole number as a fraction with 1 as the denominator. So 8 we can write as 8/1

Step 3: Subtract the fraction i.e 17/3 – 8/1

= Here the lcm of denominators are 3

= (17 – 8)/3

= 9/3

= 3 which is a whole number .

Question 3: Subtract 7 – 2(8/5)?


Given: 7 – 2(8/5)

Here mixed fraction 2(8/5)

Step 1: Make an improper fraction from the mixed fraction.

Therefore, 2(8/5)

= 18/5 as an improper fraction

Step 2: Express the whole number as a fraction with 1 as the denominator. So 7 we can write as 7/1

Step 3: Subtract the fraction i.e 18/5 – 7/1

= Here the lcm of denominators are 5

= (18 – 7)/5

= 11/5

Question 4: Subtract 8/5 – 9/6?


Given: 8/5 – 9/6 

= Here the lcm of denominator 5 and 6 are 30

= (48 – 45) / 30

= 3/30

= 1/10

Question 5: Subtract 2(8/5) – 4( 9/6)?


Given: 2(8/5) – 4( 9/6)

= 18/5 – 33/6 

= (108 – 165)/30

= -57/30

= -19/10

Question 6: Subtract 2 – 3(7/2)?


Given: 2 – 3(7/2)

Here mixed fraction 3(7/2)

Step 1:  Make an improper fraction from the mixed fraction.

Therefore, 3(7/2)

= 13/2 as an improper fraction

Step 2: Express the whole number as a fraction with 1 as the denominator

So 2 we can write as 2/1

Step 3: Subtract the fraction i.e; 

= 2/1 -13/2

= Here the lcm of denominators are 2

= (2 – 13)/2

= – 11/2

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