How to Sort a Hash in Ruby?

In this article, we will learn how to sort a Hash in ruby. We can sort the map by key, from low to high or high to low, using the sortBy method.


sorted_hash = original_hash.sort_by { |key, value| expression }.to_h

Example 1: In this example, we sort a hash in ascending order

# Define a hash
hash = {"Zash" => 30, "Jhavesh" => 20, "Charlie" => 50}

# Sort the hash by value in ascending order
sorted_hash = hash.sort_by { |_, value| value }.to_h
puts sorted_hash
# Output: {"Jhavesh"=>20, "Zash"=>30, "Charlie"=>50}

{"Jhavesh"=>20, "Zash"=>30, "Charlie"=>50}

Example 2: In this example we sort a Hash by Values in Descending Order

# Define a hash
hash = {"Zash" => 30, "Jhavesh" => 20, "Charlie" => 50}

# Sort the hash by value in descending order
sorted_hash_desc = hash.sort_by { |_, value| -value }.to_h
puts sorted_hash_desc
# Output: {"Charlie"=>50, "Zash"=>30, "Jhavesh"=>20}

{"Charlie"=>50, "Zash"=>30, "Jhavesh"=>20}

Example 3: In this example we sort a Hash by Keys in Ascending Order

# Define a hash
hash = {"Zash" => 30, "Jhavesh" => 20, "Charlie" => 50}

# Sort the hash by key in ascending order
sorted_hash_keys = hash.sort_by { |key, _| key }.to_h
puts sorted_hash_keys
# Output: {"Charlie"=>50, "Jhavesh"=>20, "Zash"=>30}

{"Charlie"=>50, "Jhavesh"=>20, "Zash"=>30}

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