How to set Bootstrap 4 scroll to the bottom of long sticky sidebar?

  • In Bootstrap 3, to set bootstrap scroll to the bottom of long sticky sidebar is possible using Affix which is handled by “Affix jQuery plugin”.
  • Unfortunately, in Bootstrap 4 migration “Affix jQuery plugin” was dropped.
  • To achieve this affix property as like as Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4 recommends us CSS property i.e., position: sticky; directly in style or implementing position:sticky; on @supports rule.
  • Though the position:sticky might not support in all cases, we can adopt the third-party ScrollPos-Styler library.

Example 1: Below example illustrate the how to set Bootstrap 4 scroll to the bottom of long stick sidebar using css properties.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="
    <script src="
    <script src="
    <script src="
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="
        .sidebar {
            top: 50px;
            left: 0px;
            position: sticky;
<body data-spy="scroll" 
    <!-- Toggler/collapsibe Button -->
    <button class="navbar-toggler" 
        <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
    <div class="container-fluid" id="body">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-sm-2 p-3 bg-secondary sidebar">
                <div class="card text-center" 
                    <span class="card-img-top fakeimg bg-info p-5" 
                          alt="Card image"></span>
                    <div class="card-body ">
                        <h4 class="card-title">Sticky sidebar</h4>
                        <p class="card-text ">Bootstrap 4</p>
                        <a href=
                           class="btn btn-primary"
                           target="_blank">See Features</a>
                <hr class="d-sm-none">
                    <input type="range" 
                <hr class="d-sm-none">
            <div class="col-sm-10 p-4">
                <h1 class="text-success font-weight-bold text-center">
                <br> Bootstrap is a free and open-source tool collection
              for creating responsive websites and web applications. 
              It is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework
              for developing responsive, mobile-first web sites. 
              Nowadays, the websites are perfect for all the browsers 
              (IE, Firefox and Chrome) and for all sizes of screens 
              (Desktop, Tablets, Phablets, and Phones). 
              All thanks to Bootstrap developers – Mark Otto and
              Jacob Thornton of Twitter, though it was later declared 
              to be an open-source project.
                <br> Bootstrap is a free and open-source tool collection
              for creating responsive websites and web applications.
              It is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework
              for developing responsive, mobile-first web sites. 
              It solves many problems which we had once, one of which is
              the cross-browser compatibility issue. Nowadays, the websites
              are perfect for all the browsers (IE, Firefox and Chrome) and
              for all sizes of screens (Desktop, Tablets, Phablets, and Phones).
              All thanks to Bootstrap developers -Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton 
              of Twitter, though it was later declared to be an open-source project.
                <br> Why Bootstrap?
                    <li>Faster and Easier Web-Development.</li>
                    <li>It creates Platform-independent web-pages.</li>
                    <li>It creates Responsive Web-pages.</li>
                    <li>It designed to be responsive to mobile devices too.</li>
                    <li>It is Free! Available on</li>
                How to use Bootstrap 4 in webpage:
              There are two ways to include Bootstrap in the website.
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $("#filter").on("keyup", function() {
            var value = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
            $("#body *").filter(function() {
                $(this).toggle($(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(value) > -1)



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