How to set audio loop in amp-audio of Google AMP ?

Since the release of HTML5, audios can be added to webpages using the “audio” tag. Previously audios could be only played on webpages using web plugins like Flash. The “audio” tag is an inline element which is used to embed sound files into a web page. It is a very useful tag if you want to add audio such as songs, interviews, etc on your webpage. To embed audio in AMP pages you have to make use of the amp-audio tag.

Setup: To use the amp-audio, you have to import the amp-audio component into the head of the webpage.


<script async custom-element="amp-audio" src=

To make the audio to start automatically when the audio file finishes we make use of loop attribute in amp-audio.



<!doctype html>
<html amp>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Google AMP amp-audio</title>
    <script async src=
    <!-- Import the `amp-audio` component -->
    <script async custom-element="amp-audio" 
    <link rel="canonical" href=
    <meta name="viewport" content=
    <style amp-boilerplate>
        body {
            -webkit-animation: -amp-start 8s 
                steps(1, end) 0s 1 normal both;
            -moz-animation: -amp-start 8s 
                steps(1, end) 0s 1 normal both;
            -ms-animation: -amp-start 8s 
                steps(1, end) 0s 1 normal both;
            animation: -amp-start 8s 
                steps(1, end) 0s 1 normal both;
        @-webkit-keyframes -amp-start {
            from {
                visibility: hidden
            to {
                visibility: visible
        @-moz-keyframes -amp-start {
            from {
                visibility: hidden
            to {
                visibility: visible
        @-ms-keyframes -amp-start {
            from {
                visibility: hidden
            to {
                visibility: visible
        @-o-keyframes -amp-start {
            from {
                visibility: hidden
            to {
                visibility: visible
        @keyframes -amp-start {
            from {
                visibility: hidden
            to {
                visibility: visible
        <style amp-boilerplate>
            body {
                -webkit-animation: none;
                -moz-animation: none;
                -ms-animation: none;
                animation: none
    <style amp-custom>
        h1 {
            color: forestgreen;
            Beginner For Beginner
    <amp-audio width="auto" height="50" 
        src="w3wiki.mp3" controls loop>
        <div fallback>
            Your browser doesn’t 
            support HTML5 audio...


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