How to separate date and time in R ?

In this article, we are going to separate date and time in R Programming Language.  Date-time is in the format of date and time (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS- year/month/day Hours:Minute:Seconds). 

Extracting date from timestamp: We are going to extract date by using as.Date() function.



where data is the time stamp.

Extracting time from the time stamp: We can do this by using as.POSIXct() function. To get a particular time hour format we can use the format() function


format(as.POSIXct(data), format = “%H:%M”)


  • as.POSIXct() is used to extract time from the time stamp
  • format is used to get the time format. Ex : hours:Minutes and seconds
  • data is the time stamp

Example 1:


# create variable with one time stamp 
data ="2021/05/25 12:34:25"
# extract date from the time stamp
print( as.Date(data))
# get time from date using format in 
# the form of hours and  minutes 
print( format(as.POSIXct(data), format = "%H:%M"))


Example 2: 


# create variable with one time stamp 
data ="2021/05/25 12:34:25"
# extract date from the time stamp
print( as.Date(data))
# get time from date using format in the 
# form of hours ,minutes  and seconds
print( format(as.POSIXct(data), format = "%H:%M:%S"))


Example 3:


# create data  with five time stamps 
data = c("2021/05/25 12:34:25",
         "2019/1/14 04:10:30",
         "2020/7/11 09:05:05",
         "2018/1/14 04:10:30",
         "2017/7/11 09:05:05")
# extract date from the time stamp
print( as.Date(data))
# get time from date using format in the
# form of hours ,minutes  and seconds
print( format(as.POSIXct(data), format = "%H:%M:%S"))


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