How to send state/props to another component in React with onClick?

The props and state are the main concepts of React. Actually, only changes in props and/ or state trigger React to rerender your components and potentially update the DOM in the browser

Props: It allows you to pass data from a parent component to a child component.

State: While props allow you to pass data from a parent component to a child component, the state is used to change the component, well, state from within. Changes to the state also trigger a UI update.

Sending state/props to another component using the onClick event: So first we store the state/props into the parent component i.e in which component where we trigger the onClick event. Then to pass the state into another component, we simply pass it as a prop. For a better understanding look at this example.

For class-based component.

  1. App.js:


    // First Component i.e. App
    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import './App.css'
    import Component2 from './Component2';
    class App extends Component {  
        changeState = () => {  
          this.setState({data:`state/props of parent component 
          is send by onClick event to another component`}); 
            return (     
                <div className="App">  
                    <Component2 data={} />   
                    <div className="main-cointainer">
              <button  onClick={this.changeState} type="button"
                 Send state 
        export default App; 


  2. Component2.js:


    import React from 'react';
    const Component2 = (props) => {
        return (
            <div className="main-cointainer">
    <p>{} </p>
    export default Component2;


For Function-based component.

  1. App.js:


    // First component i.e App
    import React, { useState } from 'react';
    import './App.css'
    import Component2 from './Component2';
    function App() {
        const [state, setstate] = useState({data:""})
        const changeState = () => {  
            setstate({data:`state/props of parent component 
            is send by onClick event to another component`}); 
        return (  
            <div className="App">  
                <Component2 data={} />   
                <div className="main-cointainer">
                    <button  onClick={changeState} type="button">
                      Send state 
     export default App;


  2. Component2.js:


    // Second Component
    import React from 'react';
    import './Component2.css'
    export default function Component2(props) {
        return (
            <div className="main-cointainer">
    <p>{} </p>


Output : 

  1. Before clicking on the button:

  2. After clicking the button: 

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