How to reverse the order of given vector in R?

In this article, we will discuss how to reverse the order of elements in a vector in R Programming Language.

It can be done using the rev() function. It returns the reverse version of data objects.

Syntax: rev(x)

Parameter: x: Data object

Returns: Reverse of the data object passed

Example 1: Here we will create a vector and reverse it with rev() function.


# create vector with names
vec = c("sravan", "mohan", "sudheer",
         "radha", "vani", "mohan")
print("Original vector-1:")
rv = rev(vec)
print("The said vector in reverse order:")


[1] “Original vector-1:”

[1] “sravan”  “mohan”   “sudheer” “radha”   “vani”    “mohan”  

[1] “The said vector in reverse order:”

[1] “mohan”   “vani”    “radha”   “sudheer” “mohan”   “sravan”

Example 2: Here we will create multiple vectors and then reverse them.


# create vector with names
name = c("sravan", "mohan", "sudheer",
         "radha", "vani", "mohan")
# create vector with subjects
subjects = c(".net", "Python", "java"
             "dbms", "os", "dbms")
# create a vector with marks
marks = c(98, 97, 89, 90, 87, 90)
# create vector with height
height = c(5.97, 6.11, 5.89,
           5.45, 5.78, 6.0)
# create vector with weight
weight = c(67, 65, 78,
           65, 81, 76)
# pass these vectors to the vector
data = c(name, subjects, marks,
         height, weight)
# display
print("Original vector-1:")
rv = rev(data)
print("The said vector in reverse order:")


[1] “Original vector-1:”

 [1] “sravan”  “mohan”   “sudheer” “radha”   “vani”    “mohan”   “.net”   

 [8] “Python”  “java”    “dbms”    “os”      “dbms”    “98”      “97”     

[15] “89”      “90”      “87”      “90”      “5.97”    “6.11”    “5.89”   

[22] “5.45”    “5.78”    “6”       “67”      “65”      “78”      “65”     

[29] “81”      “76”     

[1] “The said vector in reverse order:”

 [1] “76”      “81”      “65”      “78”      “65”      “67”      “6”      

 [8] “5.78”    “5.45”    “5.89”    “6.11”    “5.97”    “90”      “87”     

[15] “90”      “89”      “97”      “98”      “dbms”    “os”      “dbms”   

[22] “java”    “Python”  “.net”    “mohan”   “vani”    “radha”   “sudheer”

[29] “mohan”   “sravan” 

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