How to Replace a Substring of a String in Dart?

To replace all the substring of a string we make use of  replaceAll method in Dart. This method replaces all the substring in the given string to the desired substring. Returns a new string in which the non-overlapping substrings matching from (the ones iterated by from.allMatches(this String)) are replaced by the literal string replace.

Syntax: String_name.replaceAll (Old_String_Pattern, New_String_Pattern);

In the above sequence:

  • String_name is the name of the string in which operation is to be done. It could be the string itself.
  • Old_String_Pattern is the pattern present in the given string.
  • New_String_Pattern is the new pattern that is to be replaced with the old pattern.

Example 1: 

Replacing the substring in the given string.


// Main function
main() {
    String gfg = "Welcome w3wiki";
    //replace substring of the given string
    String result = gfg.replaceAll("w3wiki", "Geek!");


Welcome Geek!

In the above example the substring “w3wiki” is replaced by another string “Geek!”.

Example 2:

Using chain of replaceAll() method to change the string in dart.


// Main function
main() {
    String gfg = "Welcome w3wiki";
    //replace substring of the given string
    String result = gfg.replaceAll("w3wiki", "Geek!").replaceAll("!", " :)");


Welcome Geek :)

In the above example the substring “w3wiki” is replaced by another string “Geek!” and then “!” is replaced by ” : )”.

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