How to Rename a Column in MySQL?

Renaming columns in MySQL is a frequent task to keep data organized and flexible. It helps adjust database layouts to fit new needs without losing information. This article will show you different ways to rename columns in MySQL, making it easier to manage and update your database structure as your requirements change.

How to Rename a Column in MySQL

To rename a column in MySQL use the ALTER TABLE Statement with the CHANGE or RENAME clause. Both Change and Rename can be used to change the name of the SQL table column, The only difference is that CHANGE can be utilized to alter the datatype of the column.

The Syntax for Renaming and Changing the Value of a Column in MySQL:

Syntax for Change Clause:

ALTER TABLE table_name
CHANGE old_column_name new_column_name datatype;

Syntax for Rename Clause:

ALTER TABLE table_name
RENAME COLUMN old_column_name TO new_column_name;


  • table_name: The name of the table containing the column.
  • old_column_name: The current name of the column.
  • new_column_name: The shiny new name we want for our column.
  • datatype: The data type the column should hold.

Demo MySQL Database

For this tutorial on how to rename a table column in MySQL, we will use the following database.

employee_id name department phone_number
1 John Doe Sales NULL
2 Jane Smith Marketing 555-1234
3 Bob Johnson Sales NULL

To create this table, copy-paste this MySQL Query in your MySQL Workbench:

CREATE TABLE employees (
employee_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
name VARCHAR(50),
department VARCHAR(50),
phone_number VARCHAR(15)

(1, 'John Doe', 'Sales', NULL),
(2, 'Jane Smith', 'Marketing', '555-1234'),
(3, 'Bob Johnson', 'Sales', NULL);

Rename a Column in MySQL Examples

For this example, we have a table called employees, and we want to change the name of the emp_name column, to full_name.

Example 1: Rename Column Using ALTER TABLE Statement with CHANGE Clause

ALTER TABLE employees
CHANGE name full_name VARCHAR(255);



Example 2: Rename Column Using ALTER TABLE Statement with Rename Clause

ALTER TABLE employees 
RENAME COLUMN name TO full_name;



How to Rename Multiple Columns in MySQL

To rename multiple columns in MySQL, you can adjust the syntax to:

For CHANGE Clause:

ALTER TABLE table_name
RENAME COLUMN old_column_name1 TO new_col_name1,
RENAME COLUMN old_column_name2 TO new_col_name2,
RENAME COLUMN old_column_name3 TO new_col_name3;

For RENAME Clause:

ALTER TABLE table_name
CHANGE old_column_name1 new_col_name1 Data Type,
CHANGE old_column_name2 new_col_name2 Data Type,
CHANGE old_column_name3 new_col_name3 Data Type;

Choosing Between CHANGE and RENAME

Both CHANGE and RENAME are SQL commands used to modify the name of a column in a table, but they serve different purposes and are used in different scenarios:

  • If you need to change both the name and data type of a column or modify other properties along with the name change, then CHANGE is more appropriate.
  • If you only need to rename the column without altering its data type or other attributes, then RENAME is the preferred choice.

In summary, choose ‘CHANGE ‘ when you need to modify multiple aspects of the column and use ‘RENAME ‘ when you only need to change the column name.


In conclusion, using the ALTER TABLE statement to rename columns in MySQL is a simple method. Whether you use the CHANGE or RENAME clause, it’s important to understand the details and select the best approach for your particular situation. You can effectively manage and modify your database structure to meet changing requirements while maintaining data consistency and integrity by using the methods given in this article.

FAQs on Renaming a Column in MySQL

Why would I need to rename a column in MySQL?

Renaming a column helps maintain data organization and adapt to changing requirements without losing existing data.

What is the difference between CHANGE and RENAME when renaming a column?

The CHANGE clause allows you to modify both the name and datatype of the column, while RENAME simply changes the column’s name.

Can I rename multiple columns at once in MySQL?

Yes, you can rename multiple columns by executing multiple ALTER TABLE statements or combining them into one statement.

Will renaming a column affect existing data in MySQL?

No, renaming a column typically does not affect the existing data stored in the column. However, it’s always a good practice to back up your data before making structural changes to your database.

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