How To Remove Copyright Claim On YouTube

When a copyright claim is made, YouTube’s system can detect and notify the person who uploaded the video. Then, the copyright owner can choose to do a few things. They might ask to take down the video, share the ad revenue generated by the video, or simply get credit for their content. So, in a nutshell, a copyright claim is a way for people to protect their creative work on YouTube and make sure they’re credited or compensated when others use it.

In the below article, we will learn how to get rid of copyright claims on Youtube.

Removing a YouTube Copyright Claim

There are three simple ways to remove a copyright claim from your YouTube videos.

1. Trim-out segment: You can edit out just the claimed segment from your video. You can’t trim videos that use the blurred feature from the Studio Editor tool.

2. Replace song: If the audio in your video is claimed, you may be able to replace the claimed audio with other audio from the â€œYouTube Audio Library”.

3. Mute song: If the audio in your video is claimed, you may be able to mute the claimed audio. You can choose to mute just the song or all the video’s audio.

How to Check a YouTube Video for Copyright Claims

To remove claimed content from a video

Step 1: Log in to your YouTube account.

Step 2: Go to your YouTube Studio dashboard.

Step 3: Select the “Videos” tab from the menu on the left.

Locate the video you want to check and click on it.

Go to YouTube Studio Dashboard >>Select the Video

Step 4: Select the “Copyright” tab under the “Details” Section

Click on the “Copyright” section to view detailed information about the claim.

Go to details>> Click on Copyright

If there are any disputes or actions you can take, follow the provided instructions or seek further assistance.

Step 5: Click on Select Action

Under the â€œContent identified in this video” section, click SELECT ACTION.

Click on the Action button

Now select anyone Method to Remove the copyright Claim, then click CONTINUE.

Select on Action button

How to Remove Copyright Claim Using Trim out Segment

This feature allows you to eliminate the section of your video that triggered the Content ID claim.

Step 1: Log in to your YouTube account.

Step 2: Open the video with the copyright claim.

Step 3: Click on “Editor,” then choose “Trim.”

Step 4: Select and remove the copyrighted segment.

Step 5: Save your changes.

rimming the claimed part of your video

Removing Copyright Claims Using Replace song (Audio claims only)

This option enables you to exchange the claimed audio with another track from the ” YouTube Audio Library “.

Step 1: Log in to your YouTube account.

Step 2: Navigate to YouTube Studio and select the video with the copyright claim.

Step 3: Click on “Editor,” then choose “Audio.”

Step 4: Select “Replace Song” and upload a new audio track.

Step 5: Preview the changes and save them.

Editor>>Replace Song>>New track>>Preview the Changes

Removing Copyright Claims Using Mute Song (audio claims only)

This function allows you to mute the claimed audio in your video. You can choose to mute just the song or all the video’s audio.

1. Choose how you’d like to mute:

Mute all sound when the song plays

– Mutes all audio during the part of the video with claimed audio.

Mute song only (beta)

– Mutes is just the claimed song. Other audio.

2. Preview the edit in the video player and click on continue.

Choose the songs>> select mute

How to Remove or Dispute a YouTube Copyright Claim

Addressing a YouTube copyright claim is challenging but crucial. Here’s how to handle it effectively:

Understand the Claim: Determine if it’s a “Content ID match” or a “manual claim” to guide your response.

Assess Fair Use: If applicable, file a counter-notification but seek legal advice due to its complexity.

Contact Copyright Holder: Discuss options directly with them for resolution or licensing.

Modify or Remove Content: Edit out copyrighted material or remove the video cautiously.

Seek Expert Assistance: Consider legal counsel or a copyright specialist for complex situations.

How to Fix Copyright Issues on YouTube

To address copyright issues on YouTube:

1. Review Claims: Understand the nature of the claim, identifying the copyrighted material.

2. Dispute or Remove: Dispute unjust claims or remove infringing content.

3. Seek Permission: Obtain permission or licenses for copyrighted material.

4. Use Copyright-Free Content: Utilize public domain or royalty-free material to avoid future issues.

5. Monitor and Respond: Regularly monitor for new claims and promptly address them to maintain channel integrity.

How to Solve copyright issues on YouTube

To solve copyright issues on YouTube, there are several options available. One option is to dispute a Content ID claim by signing in to the YouTube Studio app, selecting a video with a copyright restriction, tapping on the restriction, and then tapping “REVIEW ISSUES” and “DISPUTE”. Another option is to wait for the claim to expire after 30 days. Additionally, you can contact the holder of the copyright and ask them to retract the claim against your video. To avoid copyright infringement on YouTube, you can get permission to use popular music from a licensing service provider, make and use your music, or try royalty-free music. It is important to have proof confirming your rights to use the music, such as a permission form from copyright distributors or music licensing companies.


YouTube offers effective tools for content creators to address and resolve copyright claims through three distinct methods: trimming out segments, replacing audio, and muting audio. By providing these options, YouTube empowers creators to tailor their responses based on the nature of the copyright claim, allowing for flexibility in editing and preserving the integrity of their content. Whether it’s surgically removing the claimed portion, substituting with royalty-free audio from the YouTube Audio Library, or selectively muting problematic audio, these features enable creators to navigate copyright concerns while ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted viewing experience for their audience.


How do I escape a copyright claim on YouTube?

No magic escape from YouTube copyright claims! Respect the rules. Understand the claim: automatic or manual? If fair use applies, file a counter-notice (but it’s tricky). Contact the owner, maybe they’ll budge. Edit/remove the content if needed. Consider seeking professional help for complex cases. Play fair, protect your channel, and build trust.

How do you stop copyright on YouTube?

To prevent copyright issues on YouTube: use only content you own or have permission to use, such as royalty-free music and public domain material. Properly attribute and license content. Avoid using copyrighted material without permission, unless it falls under fair use. Regularly monitor and address any copyright claims promptly.

How can I upload a video without copyright?

To upload a video without copyright issues on YouTube, create original content or use material you have explicit permission to use, like royalty-free music or public domain footage. Verify licenses, give proper credit, and avoid using copyrighted material without permission, unless it falls under fair use.

Can private videos get copyrighted?

Yes, private videos can still receive copyright claims if they contain copyrighted material. While private videos aren’t publicly accessible, YouTube’s content identification system can still detect copyrighted content. It’s essential to ensure all content in private videos complies with copyright law to avoid potential claims or strikes.

How many copyright claims can you get on YouTube?

YouTube doesn’t specify a limit on the number of copyright claims a channel can receive. Multiple claims can result in various consequences, such as demonetization, restricted access to certain features, or channel termination for repeated violations. Managing and addressing copyright claims promptly is crucial to maintain channel health.

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