How to Remove a Field Completely From a MongoDB Document?

In MongoDB, managing data is flexible and efficient, allowing developers to adapt to evolving application requirements easily. One common operation is removing fields from documents.

Whether it’s to Organize our data structure, improve performance or change business needs, MongoDB provides straightforward methods to achieve this task.

In this article, we’ll explore how to remove a field completely from a MongoDB document with the help of an example.

How to Remove a Field from a MongoDB Document?

When we no longer need a field in a MongoDB document, The problem involves removing specific fields from MongoDB documents. By targeting the documents and fields to be removed, developers can effectively clean up unnecessary data from their MongoDB collections. This can be achieved using the below method which removes the specified fields from documents.

  1. Using $unset Operator
  2. Using updateMany Operator
  3. Using options {multi: true} instead of updateMany

Let’s set up an environment

Suppose we have a Gfg database in which an Employee collection. with some documents that contain details about employees in the form of field-value pairs.

1. Using $unset Operator

The $unset operator is used to remove a specific field from a MongoDB document. It takes the field name as its argument and removes that field completely from the document. This method is useful when you want to remove a single field from a document.

Example: Let say, we want to remove the department field from an employee document with a specific _id.

{ _id: ObjectId("65f8b8499abfc382ebcd9668") },
{ $unset: { department: "" } }




  • The update operation targets the document with the specified _id.
  • The $unset operator removes the department field completely from the document.
  • Upon successful execution, the department field will be removed from the targeted employee document.

2. Using updateMany Operator

The updateMany operator is used to update multiple documents in a collection that match a specified filter. When combined with the $unset operator, it can be used to remove a field from multiple documents at once.

Example: Suppose we want to remove the personalDetails contactInfo from all documents of a Collection Employee.

There are two ways to remove the field from documents. But the result will be same.

{ $unset: { "personalDetails.contactInfo": "" } }




  • The updateMany operation target the documents with the specified given condition.
  • The $unset operator removes the personalDetails’s contactInfo field completely from documents.
  • Upon successful execution, the personalDetails’s contactInfo field will be removed from the targeted employee documents.

3. Using Options {multi: true} Instead of upadateMany

The {multi: true} option is used with the update method to update multiple documents in a collection that match a specified filter. This method is an alternative to using updateMany and provides more flexibility in specifying the update criteria.

It can be combined with the $unset operator to remove multiple fields from multiple documents at once.

Example: Our task is to remove the “contactInfo” and “joiningDate” fields from all documents in the “Employee” collection in MongoDB using a single update operation with the $unset operator and {multi: true} option.

{ $unset: { "personalDetails.contactInfo": "", "joiningDate": "" } },
{ multi: true }




  • Instead of updateMany, update and {multi:true} as option is used for targeting the documents with the specified given condition.
  • The $unset operator removes the personalDetails’s contactInfo field completely from documents. Upon successful execution, the personalDetails’s contactInfo field will be removed from the targeted employee documents.
  • We can also remove multiple field by passing the multiple field in the $unset.


Overall, removing a field completely from a document is a straightforward process. By using the $unset operator with the update() or updateMany() method and with {multi:true}, you can efficiently remove unwanted fields from your documents. This helps maintain a clean and efficient database structure, ensuring that your data remains organized and easy to manage.

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