How to Plot the number 4 + 2i on a Graph?

A complex number is a part of the number system in mathematics which contains both real and imaginary numbers. Or we can say that complex numbers are formed by combining two parts: one real part and the other part an imaginary one. The standard representation form of complex numbers is given by:

x + yi

Here, x is called the real part of complex numbers and y is the imaginary part of complex numbers accompanying  ‘i’. At any given point of time, either x or y can be zero, having just one part that contributes to the formation of a complex number. Or we can say, complex numbers are thus any numbers represented in the form of x + yi, where x and y are real numbers and ‘i’ is iota satisfying i2 = -1, or i3 = -i.


(i) 5 + 10i

In the complex number, 5 is the real part and 10 is the imaginary part

(ii) 6 – 6i

In the complex number, 6 is the real part and -6 is the imaginary part

(iii) 4 + 5i

In the complex number, 4 is the real part and 5 is the imaginary part

Classification of Complex Numbers

Some of the types of complex numbers are:

  1. Zero complex number: Here, a = 0, b = 0, so z = 0 + i0. For example, 0.
  2. Purely real number: Here, a ≠ 0, b = 0, so z = a + i0. For example, 4, 8, 2.
  3. Purely imaginary number: Here, a = 0, b ≠ 0, so z = 0 + ib. For example, 8i, -1i, 6i.
  4. Imaginary number: Here, a ≠ 0, b ≠ 0, so z = a + ib. For example, 1 + 3i, 6 – 12i.

Complex Plane

As we know a complex number is a sum of real and imaginary numbers that is x + yi. So the complex number is also represented by a point(let say (x, y)) in the XY plane. So the plane in which the complex number is assigned its point is known as complex plane or argand plane. Here the x-axis represents the real number so it is also known as the real axis and Y-axis represents the imaginary number so it is also known as the imaginary axis. Hence the graphical representation is:

Plotting Complex Numbers on Graph

Let us learn how to plot complex numbers on the graph with the help of an example. In the below example, we are plotting a+bi complex number on the graph

Given: a+bi

Here, a is the real number and b is the imaginary number.

So, we can plot a+bi on the graph using the following steps:

Step 1: The complex number can be presented as coordinates (a, b).

Step 2: To plot this on the graph, we will move ‘a’ blocks on the real axis and ‘b’ blocks above on the imaginary axis.

Plotting 4+2i on Graph


Given that 4+2i 

Here, the complex number 4+2i is in the form of a+bi. 

So, 4 is the real number and 2 is the imaginary number.

Now using the following steps we can create the graph of 4+2i:

Step 1: The complex number can be presented as co-ordinates (4, 2).

Step 2: To plot this on graph, we will move 4 blocks on the real axis and 2 blocks above on the imaginary axis.

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