How to place a div inside an iframe for IE ?

Introduction: An Iframe is used to display a web page (or possibly a document) within a web page, i.e. it loads the contents of a page (or document) inside the current page.

Iframe Syntax:

<iframe src="URL"></iframe>

Approach 1: For adding additional div’s in an iframe, you need to use a wrapper div, that wraps the contents of your intended div and the iframe into one unit. This way you can display the contents of your div along with the iframe embedding to the document/webpage.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        How to place a div inside
        an iframe for IE?
    <h2>Div in an Iframe</h2>
    <div id="container" style="border: solid 2px #000;">
        <iframe height="500px" 
            width="100%" name="iframe_a">
            <h2>This goes in the iframe</h2>
            <h1> This is another heading </h1>
        <!-- Put all your contents 
            of the div here -->
    <p><a href="" 
            Click Here


Explanation: The div with id = “container” is the wrapper/container for the iframe and the contents of the div, thus the contents of the div are displayed along with the iframe.

Approach 2: Another way of handling the problem is to use the iframe itself for displaying the contents of the div instead of displaying them along with the iframe. However, this way the iframe only displays either the contents of the div or of the webpage/document at any point of time, thus this approach is a bit limited.


<iframe srcdoc="div goes here"></iframe>


<!DOCTYPE html>
        How to place a div inside
        an iframe for IE?
    <h2>Div in an Iframe</h2>
    <div id="container" style=
            "border: solid 2px #000;">
        <iframe srcdoc="<div>
            <h2>This goes in the iframe</h2>
             </div>" height="500px" 
             width="100%" name="iframe_a">
        <!-- Put all your contents 
            of the div here -->
    <p><a href=""
            Click Here


Explanation: In the above example, the iframe displays the div containing the text: “This goes in the iframe”, and whenever the “Click Here” link is clicked the iframe loads the target URL page in the iframe, overwriting the div that was present earlier. Doing this would load the Wikipedia page, however, to display the contents of the div again you would require to reload the page.

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