How to perform testing in PyCharm?

PyCharm is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) designed specifically for Python programming. Developed by JetBrains, PyCharm provides a comprehensive set of tools to streamline the development process, from code writing to testing and debugging. In this article, we will focus on the testing aspect of PyCharm and walk through the step-by-step process of performing testing within the IDE.

What is PyCharm?

PyCharm offers a rich set of features to enhance Python development, such as intelligent code completion, advanced navigation, and integrated testing tools. One of its key strengths lies in its testing support, allowing developers to create and run tests seamlessly within the IDE.


  • Intuitive Interface: PyCharm provides a user-friendly and intuitive interface, making it easy for developers to navigate and write code efficiently.
  • Smart Code Assistance: The IDE offers intelligent code completion, error highlighting, and advanced navigation, helping developers write high-quality code with fewer errors.
  • Robust Testing Support: PyCharm supports popular testing frameworks, allowing developers to create, run, and debug tests seamlessly within the IDE.
  • Integrated Tools: With built-in tools for version control, database access, and web development, PyCharm offers a comprehensive development environment, reducing the need for external plugins or applications.

How to Perform Testing in PyCharm

Now that you know a bit about PyCharm, let’s see how to test things in it. We’ll make a file that gives currency values for the euro, yen, and pound.

Step 1: Install unittest2 Package

In this article, we’ll use the `unittest2` package. To install it in PyCharm, click on the “package” icon located on the left-hand side of the software, resembling this symbol. Click on “install” and that will automatically start the download just make sure you have active internet connection. once the download is completed, simply go to the next step.

Install unittest2 Package.

Step 2: Write Python Code

To start, just make a new Python file and give it any name you like. For instance, I made a file and named it “”. Now, you can write the code for your program in the file. For instance, I used the following code for a program with three currencies: “euro,” “pound,” and “yen”:

In this example, below code defines a `CurrencyConverter` class with methods for converting amounts to euros, yen, and pounds based on fixed conversion rates. For example, the `euro` method multiplies the given amount by 0.86 to get the equivalent in euros.


class CurrencyConverter:
    def euro(self, amount):
        return amount * 0.86
    def yen(self, amount):
        return amount * 104.60
    def pound(self, amount):
        return amount * 0.77

Step 4: Create Testing File

Now, create another program file, and you can name it as you like, just ensure it has a .py file extension. In this new file, write code to import the previously defined `CurrencyConverter` class from the program.

Step 5: Import Unittest and Write Test Code:

First , begin by importing the unittest module and the class from the “test” file. Use the syntax:

from unittest import TestCase
from test import CurrencyConverter

Then, proceed to write the test cases and their expected outcomes. For instance, I’ve provided the following code for the test cases:

In this example, below code defines a test class TestCurrencyConverter that imports the CurrencyConverter class from the “test” file. It includes test methods for the euro, yen, and pound conversion functions, asserting their correctness against expected values.


from unittest import TestCase
from test import CurrencyConverter
class TestCurrencyConverter(TestCase):
    def test_euro(self):
        self.currency = CurrencyConverter()
        self.assertEqual(self.currency.euro(100), 86)
        def test_yen(self):
            self.currency = CurrencyConverter()
            self.assertEqual(self.currency.yen(100), 10460)
            def test_pound(self):
                self.currency = CurrencyConverter()
                self.assertEqual(self.currency.pound(100), 70)

Step 6: Run the Test Code

To run the test code, you have three options:

  • Right-click and select “Run ‘Unittests for‘”.
  • Click the green arrow next to the test class name and choose “Run ‘Unittests for’“.
  • Use the “Run” menu and select “Run ‘Unittests for’“.

test code output.


In conclusion, PyCharm proves to be a valuable asset for performing testing in Python development. Its integrated testing support, coupled with a user-friendly interface and powerful tools, enhances the efficiency of the testing process. With seamless test creation, execution, and result analysis directly within the IDE, PyCharm streamlines the testing workflow and contributes to the overall reliability and quality of Python code.

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