How to Perform a Three-Way ANOVA in R

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a powerful statistical technique used to compare means across multiple groups. A Three-Way ANOVA extends this analysis to investigate the interaction effects between three categorical variables on a continuous outcome variable. In this detailed guide, we will walk through the process of performing a Three-Way ANOVA in R Programming Language covering data preparation, model fitting, interpretation of results, and visualization.

Understanding Three-Way ANOVA

A Three-Way ANOVA examines the simultaneous effects of three categorical independent variables (factors) on a continuous dependent variable (response). It allows us to assess the main effects of each factor as well as their interactions. The factors are typically referred to as Factor A, Factor B, and Factor C.

Now we will discuss step-by-step how to Perform a Three-Way ANOVA in the R Programming Language.

Step 1: Data Preparation

Before performing a Three-Way ANOVA, ensure your data is properly formatted with the dependent variable and three categorical independent variables.

# Load necessary libraries

# Example: Simulated data
your_data <- data.frame(response = rnorm(300),
                        factor_A = factor(rep(letters[1:3], each = 100)),
                        factor_B = factor(rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 100)),
                        factor_C = factor(rep(c("low", "medium", "high"), each = 100)))


     response factor_A factor_B factor_C
1 -0.56047565 a A low
2 -0.23017749 a A low
3 1.55870831 a A low
4 0.07050839 a A low
5 0.12928774 a A low
6 1.71506499 a A low

Step 2: Model Fitting

Fit the Three-Way ANOVA model using the aov() function, specifying the formula with interactions between the three factors.

# Fit Three-Way ANOVA model
anova_model <- aov(response ~ factor_A * factor_B * factor_C, data = your_data)

Step 3: Interpretation of Results

Use the summary() function to obtain the ANOVA table and interpret the main effects and interaction effects.

# Summary of ANOVA


             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
factor_A 2 3.07 1.5346 1.724 0.18
Residuals 297 264.39 0.8902

Step 4: Visualization of Results

Visualize the main effects and interaction effects using plots such as interaction plots or box plots.

# Interaction plot
interaction.plot(x.factor = your_data$factor_A, trace.factor = your_data$factor_B, 
                  response = your_data$response, fun = mean, type = "b")


Three-Way ANOVA in R

we have factor_A representing different treatments and factor_B representing different time points. The interaction plot would illustrate how the effect of treatments (levels of factor_A) on the response variable changes over time (levels of factor_B). Each line would represent a different time point, showing how the treatment effects vary across time.

In summary, interaction plots provide a visual representation of how the relationship between two categorical variables influences a continuous response variable, helping to identify interaction effects between factors.

Step 5: Post-Hoc Tests

Perform post-hoc tests to further explore significant interaction effects using appropriate methods such as Tukey’s HSD test or pairwise comparisons.

Tukey’s method for multiple comparisons of means, also known as Tukey’s HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) test, is a statistical technique used to compare the means of all pairs of groups while controlling for the family-wise error rate. The output you provided appears to be the results of Tukey’s HSD test conducted on a three-way ANOVA model (factor_A * factor_B * factor_C) with a 95% family-wise confidence level.

# Tukey's HSD test


  Tukey multiple comparisons of means
95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula = response ~ factor_A * factor_B * factor_C, data = your_data)

diff lwr upr p adj
b-a -0.1979527 -0.5122522 0.1163468 0.3002670
c-a 0.0300592 -0.2842403 0.3443587 0.9724129
c-b 0.2280119 -0.0862876 0.5423114 0.2035460
  • Fit: Specifies the model formula (response ~ factor_A * factor_B * factor_C) used for the analysis.
  • $factor_A: Results specific to the levels of factor_A.
    • diff: Represents the difference in means between the groups being compared.
    • lwr: Lower bound of the confidence interval for the difference in means.
    • upr: Upper bound of the confidence interval for the difference in means.
    • p adj: Adjusted p-value, which accounts for multiple comparisons. It indicates the probability of observing a difference in means as extreme as, or more extreme than, what was observed, assuming the null hypothesis (no difference) is true.

Each row in the $factor_A section corresponds to a pairwise comparison between two levels of factor_A. For example:

  • b-a: Compares the mean difference between level b and level a of factor_A.
    • diff: -0.1979527
    • lwr: -0.5122522
    • upr: 0.1163468
    • p adj: 0.3002670

This indicates that there is no statistically significant difference in means between levels b and a of factor_A (p adj = 0.3002670 > 0.05), as the confidence interval for the difference in means (-0.5122522 to 0.1163468) includes zero.

  • Similarly, the other rows (c-a and c-b) represent comparisons between levels of factor_A.
  • The interpretation of the Tukey HSD results involves comparing the confidence intervals for the differences in means to determine whether the means of the groups being compared are statistically significantly different from each other. If the confidence interval includes zero, it suggests that there is no significant difference between the means of the compared groups.

Overall, Tukey’s HSD test helps identify which specific group means differ significantly from each other, providing valuable insights into the relationships between the factors under investigation.


In this comprehensive guide, we have demonstrated how to perform a Three-Way ANOVA in R, from data preparation to interpretation of results. By conducting a Three-Way ANOVA, researchers can assess the main effects of three categorical factors and their interactions on a continuous outcome variable. Understanding the interactions between factors is crucial for gaining insights into the relationships among variables and making informed decisions based on statistical analysis. With the knowledge and tools provided in this guide, analysts can confidently conduct and interpret Three-Way ANOVA analyses in R for their research or data analysis projects.

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