How to Pass Parameters in Computed Properties in VueJS ?

In this article, we are going to learn how can we pass parameters in computed properties. The difference between a computed property and a method is that computed properties are cached, Methods are functions that can be called normal JS functions, but computed properties will be “re-calculated” anytime their dependency changes in the component.


  • We are going to use these for passing the parameters in computed properties:
    • <template>: This is the HTML template for the Vue component. It contains a <p> tag that displays the computed value and a button that triggers the updateComputed method when clicked.
    • <script>: This is the JavaScript part of the Vue component
      • data(): This is a function that returns an object. The properties of this object are the reactive data for the component. In this case, baseValue is a reactive data
      • computed: This is an object that contains computed properties. A computed property is a property that is computed based on other reactive data properties. In this case, computedValue is a computed property that depends on baseValue. It uses the calculateValue method to calculate its value and return
      • methods: This is an object that contains methods. Methods are functions that can be called from the template. In this case, calculateValue is a method that takes a value and returns the value multiplied by 2. updateComputed is a method that updates baseValue and the computedValue computed property automatically triggers as the base value changes.
  • The computedValue computed property is dependent on the baseValue data property. When baseValue changes, computedValue is automatically re-calculated.
  • When you run the application (npm run dev), you’ll see the computed value displayed. Clicking the “Update Base Value” button triggers the recalculation of the computed property.

Example: This example shows the implementation of the above-explained appraoch.


    <p>Computed Property: {{ computedValue }}</p>
    <button @click="updateComputed(10)">
          Update Value
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      baseValue: 5,
  computed: {
    computedValue() {
      // You can't pass parameters
      // directly to computed properties,
      // but you can use a method that takes
      // parameters to calculate the value.
      return this.calculateValue(this.baseValue);
  methods: {
    calculateValue(value) {
      // Perform computation based
      // on the passed parameter
      return value * 2;
    updateComputed(newValue) {
      // Update the base value triggering a
      // re-calculation of computed property
      this.baseValue = newValue;

Step to run the application:

npm install
npm run dev


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