How to parse a YAML file in Ruby?

YAML, which stands for “YAML Ain’t Markup Language,” is an easy-to-read human data serialization standard that is independent of the language used in programming. Many programmers use it to write configuration files. It becomes much more convenient for Ruby developers to parse YAML files because a library that handles YAML is built-in. Let us wonder how in Ruby you can easily do this.

Parsing YAML in Ruby

Ruby already has an inbuilt library named YAML (more on this in the next section) that lets you read YAML files. We need to explain that this library is an actual wrapper that uses the Psych YAML engine as the native YAML library since Ruby version 1.9.3.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to parsing a YAML file in Ruby:

Require the YAML Module: First, ensure that you have the YAML module available in your script:

# code
require 'yaml'

** Process exited – Return Code: 0 **

Load the YAML File:Use the YAML.load_file method to read and parse the contents of your YAML file into a Ruby object:

# code
data = YAML.load_file('path_to_your_file.yml')

Accessing Data: The parsed YAML file is now a Ruby object (usually a hash or an array). You can access the data just like you would with any other Ruby object:

# code
puts data['some_key']

Error Handling: It’s good practice to handle potential errors, such as a file not being found or invalid YAML syntax:

# code
  data = YAML.load_file('path_to_your_file.yml')
rescue Psych::SyntaxError => e
  puts "YAML syntax error: #{e.message}"
rescue Errno::ENOENT
  puts "File not found: path_to_your_file.yml"

Now, let’s see the output of the provided Ruby code snippet:

# code
# Assuming 'example.yml' contains:
# ---
# some_key: "Hello, YAML!"

require 'yaml'

  data = YAML.load_file('example.yml')
  puts data['some_key']
rescue Psych::SyntaxError => e
  puts "YAML syntax error: #{e.message}"
rescue Errno::ENOENT
  puts "File not found: example.yml"

When executed, this script will output:

Hello, YAML!


The YAML module of the standard library allows to retrieve yaml files from within ruby without much hassle. You may rest assured, whatever it is – working with configuration files, data serialization, or reading of data in some structured format – Ruby with its built-in YAML support will help you do just that with simplicity and efficiency.

Keep in mind to always deal with exceptions and mistakes for the YAML files to function well even when the applications using YAML have some problems themselves.

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