How to move mouse pointer to a specific position using JavaScript ?

In this article, we will learn how to move a mouse pointer to any specific position in the web browser using JavaScript. Before we start, you need to know that it’s not actually possible to move the mouse pointer to a position using Javascript, such functionality can be easily misused but we can simulate something similar. In this article, we will learn to move the mouse pointer from one pointer to another pointer.

  • Since we cannot make an actual mouse pointer using JavaScript, we use an image as a cursor.
  • Suppose variables x, y, px, py, x1, x2
x: x-position of the actual mouse pointer
y: y-position of the actual mouse pointer
x1: x-position where we want the mouse to appear
x2: y-position where we want the mouse to appear

Now, let
x + px = x1
px = x1 - x

py = y1 - y

Now, px, py is the relative position of x, y with respect to x1, y1.
The position where our image cursor will appear with respect to x1, 
y1 will be given by 
x + px and y + py
for all x, y
  • Now, the problem is how to detect clicks since the mouse cursor may not be on the pointer. To do this, we use document.elementFromPoint(x+px, y+py) in which we pass the position of the image cursor. This will give us the object of the element, the image cursor is on. After obtaining the required object, we can invoke the

Example: This example shows the movement of the mouse pointer to a specific position using JavaScript


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <img id="cursor" src=
        width="15" height="20" />
        <button id="b1">BUTTON1</button>
        <button id="b2">BUTTON2</button>


img {
    pointer-events: none;
    /* doing this makes sure .elementFromPoint
    do not acquires the image cursor object */
    position: absolute;
/* makes the cursor invisible */
* {
    cursor: none;


let x, y;
let px, py;
px = py = 0;
// Image of cursor
let cursor = document.getElementById("cursor");
// Button 1
let b1 = document.getElementById("b1");
// Button 2
let b2 = document.getElementById("b2");
/* mutex is used to avoid multiple click event from
firing at the same time due to different position
of image cursor and actual cursor
Using mutex avoid any conflicts if original cursor and
image cursor are both on a clickable element
This makes sure only 1 click event is triggered at a time*/
let mutex = false;
The following event is selecting the element
on the image cursor and fires click() on it.
The following event is triggered only when mouse is pressed.
window.addEventListener("mouseup", function (e) {
    // gets the object on image cursor position
    let tmp = document.elementFromPoint(x + px, y + py);
    mutex = true;; = (px + x) + "px"; = (py + y) + "px";
/* The following event listener moves the image pointer
with respect to the actual mouse cursor
The function is triggered every time mouse is moved */
window.addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) {
    // Gets the x,y position of the mouse cursor
    x = e.clientX;
    y = e.clientY;
    // sets the image cursor to new relative position = (px + x) + "px"; = (py + y) + "px";
/* The following function re-calculates px,py
with respect to new position
Clicking on b1 moves the pointer to b2
Clicking on b2 moves the pointer to b1 */
b1.onclick = function () {
    if (mutex) {
        mutex = false;
        px = b2.offsetLeft - x;
        py = b2.offsetTop - y;
b2.onclick = function () {
    if (mutex) {
        mutex = false;
        px = b1.offsetLeft - x;
        py = b1.offsetTop - y;

Output: Click here to check the live output

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