How to Migrate SQL Server Database to MySQL?

The migration of an SQL Server database to MySQL can be an intricate process, but using the ODBC driver facilitates the execution, so no worries for users with basic skills.

This guide will take you through transferring the database called β€˜Workβ€˜ from Microsoft SQL Server to MySQL, ensuring that all tables and data are redirected to the right destination.

Utilizing the power of MySQL Workbench and ODBC drivers, you can move your database smoothly with data consistency and minimal downtime.


Software Installation:

  • Microsoft SQL Server with administrative access.
  • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for managing and querying SQL Server.
  • MySQL Server installed on the target machine.
  • MySQL Workbench for using the Migration Wizard.

ODBC Drivers:

  • Install the SQL Server ODBC Driver.
  • Install the MySQL ODBC Connector.

We are doing this migration in two main steps:

  • Configure the ODBC Driver to Convert SQL Server to MySQL
  • Use the MySQL Migration Wizard to Convert SQL Server to MySQL

Step 1: Configure the ODBC Driver to Convert SQL Server to MySQL

Before using the MySQL Workbench database, you have to set up the ODBC Driver to convert SQL Server to MySQL. An ODBC driver allows applications and programming languages to interact with and access databases or cloud applications. Follow these steps to set up your driver:

1. Open Windows Administrative Tools:

  • Click on the search icon on your desktop and search for β€œWindows Administrative Tools,” then select it.

2. Select ODBC Driver:

  • From the list of tools, select the ODBC driver according to your system (32-bit or 64-bit). For this example, the 64-bit ODBC driver is selected.

ODBC Data Source

3. ODBC Database Administrator:

  • The ODBC Database Administrator window will open. Click on the β€œSystem DSN” tab and then click on the β€œAdd” button.

4. Create New Data Source:

  • On the β€œCreate New Data Source” screen, select β€œSQL Server” from the list and then click β€œFinish.”

SQL Server

5. Configure Data Source:

  • Provide a name and description for the new ODBC data source. For the name, use β€œwork_sql” to indicate that this is for the β€œWork” database.
  • Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and run the following query to get the server name:
  • Copy the server name and paste it into the β€œServer” field in the ODBC configuration, then click β€œNext.”

6. SQL Server Authentication:

  • Leave the default settings for the SQL Server Authentication method as Windows NT, and click β€œNext.”

Click on Next Button

7. Select Database:

  • Check the β€œChange the default Database to” box. Select the β€œWork” database from the dropdown list and click β€œNext.”

Select Work Database

8. Finish Configuration:

  • Click on the β€œFinish” button, then click on β€œTest Data Source” to verify the connection. Click β€œOK” on the next screens to complete the setup.

Step 2: Use the MySQL Migration Wizard to Convert SQL Server to MySQL

After setting up your ODBC Data Source, you can now use the MySQL Workbench to convert SQL Server to MySQL.

1. Open MySQL Workbench:

  • Open MySQL Workbench and navigate to β€œDatabase” > β€œMigration Wizard.”

2. Start Migration:

  • At the bottom of the page, click β€œStart Migration.”

Start Migration

3. Source Selection:

  • Enter your MS SQL Server Connection parameters. For the database system, select β€œSQL Server.” The connection method should be β€œODBC Data Source.” Select the DSN β€œwork_sql” from the dropdown list and click β€œTest Connection.”

Source Selection

4. Target Selection:

  • Click β€œNext” to move to the Target Selection page. Enter your MySQL destination details and click β€œTest Connection” to ensure connectivity. After a successful connection, click β€œNext.”

Target Selection

5. Schema Retrieval:

  • The MySQL Migration Wizard will now fetch the schema list from your SQL Server. Once the list is successfully extracted, click β€œNext.”

6. Select Database Schema:

  • Scroll down the list of databases and select the β€œWork” database schema. Click β€œNext.”

Select Work Database

7. Migration:

  • Click β€œNext” on all subsequent screens to proceed with the migration. Finally, click the β€œFinish” button.


Now, you can verify that the migration was successful by checking the data and schema in MySQL Workbench. Ensure all tables and data have been correctly transferred.

Advantages of Migrating SQL Server Database to MySQL

1. Cost Efficiency

  • Lower Licensing Costs: MySQL is open-source, reducing licensing and operational costs.
  • Lower TCO: Reduced fees and extensive community support lower total ownership costs.

2. Scalability and Performance

  • High Scalability: Handles large datasets and high transaction volumes.
  • Optimized Performance: Offers faster read/write operations and better resource utilization.

3. Platform Independence

  • Cross-Platform Support: Runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS, providing deployment flexibility.

4. Robust Community Support

  • Active Community: Continuous improvements, extensive documentation, and community support.
  • Regular Updates: Ensures reliability and security with frequent updates and patches.

5. Flexibility and Customization

  • Open Source: Allows extensive customization and modification of the source code.
  • Rich Features: Supports various storage engines, replication, and advanced features.


Through this practical guide, you will successfully migrate your SQL Server database to MySQL using the ODBC driver. The process entails configuring the ODBC driver, setting up the data source and using the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard to migrate the data.

Regular configuration and testing at every single step helps to keep the migration process without any problematic. This method is not only easy to implement but also facilitates the accuracy and speed of your database operations, putting MySQL in position to solve your database management challenges.

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