How to merge arrays and preserve the keys in PHP ?

Arrays in PHP are created using array() function. Arrays are variable that can hold more than one values at a time. There are three types of arrays:

  1. Indexed Arrays
  2. Associative Arrays
  3. Multidimensional Arrays

Each and every value in an array has a name or identity attached to it used to access that element called keys.

To merge the two arrays array_merge() function works fine but it does not preserve the keys. Instead array_replace() function helps to merge two arrays while preserving their key.

Program 1: This example using array_replace() function to merge two arrays and preserve the keys.

// Create first associative array
$array1 = array(
    1 => 'Welcome',
    2 => 'To'
// Create second associative array
$array2 = array(
    3 => 'Beginner',
    4 => 'For',
    5 => 'Beginner'
// Use array_replace() function to
// merge the two array while
// preserving the keys
print_r(array_replace($array1, $array2));


    [1] => Welcome
    [2] => To
    [3] => Beginner
    [4] => For
    [5] => Beginner

Program 1: This example using array_replace_recursive() function to merge two arrays and preserve the keys.

// Create first associative array
$array1 = array(
    1 => 'Welcome',
    2 => 'To'
// Create second associative array
$array2 = array(
    3 => 'Beginner',
    4 => 'For',
    5 => 'Beginner'
// Use array_replace() function to
// merge the two array while
// preserving the keys
print_r(array_replace_recursive($array1, $array2));


    [1] => Welcome
    [2] => To
    [3] => Beginner
    [4] => For
    [5] => Beginner

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