How to Make an Image Live using Flash?

Flash is a 2D animation software that can be used on different operating systems like macOS, Windows, Linux, etc. It was first launched in 1996 and the latest version is released in 2021. It is capable of different functionalities like masking, character tracing, lip-sync, motion and shape tweening, frame by frame animations, etc. The animations created in Flash are vector-based rather than pixel animations which can only be zoomed to a certain level but this is not the case with vector-based animations so they provide high-quality animations.

Animating water effect on an Image to make it Live

Images are still so they don’t give much interaction but there is a method by which we can animate images to make them alive like a river image can be animated to give the flow effect of water so we are going to animate the ripple effect of water on a still image so let’s animate the image.

Follow the below steps to make an image look live:-

Step 1: Open a new project in Flash.

Step 2: We will import an image for that click on File, a list will appear to choose Import and then Import to Stage.

Step 3: Choose the picture and click Open, make sure images should be copyright free.

Step 4: Now add two more layers by clicking on Add new layer button on the timeline, name these layers as Image1 and Image2.

Step 5: Now copy the image from Layer 1 and paste it on both the layers using Ctrl + Shift + V, this shortcut pastes the image in exactly the same position.

Step 6: Now add one more layer and name it Mask.

Step 7: On this Mask layer draw a rectangle using the rectangle tool and cover the part which does not have water.

Step 8: Now right-click on the Mask layer and a list will appear to choose Mask Option.

Step 9: Now select the Image1 layer and convert it into a symbol by pressing F8, a new screen will appear choose movie clip in type option and click on OK.

Step 10: Now double-click on the image to go inside it.

Step 11: Now take a rectangle tool and make different rectangles on the image on a new layer.

Step 12: Convert these to a movie symbol by pressing the F8 button.

Step 13: Now select frame 200 and insert a keyframe.

Step 14: Now right-click on any frame and select create motion tween option from the list.

Step 15: Now right-click on layer 2 and select Mask Option from the list.

Step 16: Double click on the image to come out to the main screen.

Step 17: Press Ctrl + Enter to see the animation.

Congratulations you have animated an image to make it look live. This is the output video of the live image animation. 

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