How to install sqlite3 for Ruby on MacOS?

In this article, we are going learn how to install SQLite3 for Ruby on MacOS. There are various methods to install SQLite3 for Ruby on MacOS we are going to cover all of them.

What is SQLite3?

SQLite3 is a versatile and lightweight relational database management system (RDBMS) that plays a pivotal role in the Ruby programming ecosystem.

  • It is a C-language library that implements a small, fast, full-featured, SQL database engine.
  • It can be used to create a database, define tables, insert and change rows, and manage an SQL database file.
  • It provides a lightweight disk-based database that does not require a separate server process.

What is Ruby?

Ruby is a versatile, dynamically typed programming language known for its elegant syntax, object-oriented nature, and focus on developer happiness.

  • It is widely used for web development, scripting, and automation, with its popularity heightened by the influential Ruby on Rails framework.
  • The language prioritizes readability, flexibility, and a vibrant community, making it a compelling choice for a variety of applications.

How to Install Sqlite3 for Ruby on MacOS?

1. Using Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for MacOS that allows you to install various software and tools with a simple command. Homebrew can also update and uninstall the packages that you install. To use Homebrew, you need to have Xcode installed on your Mac, which is a software development tool from Apple. You can download Xcode from the App Store or from the Apple Developer website.

Step 1: To install Homebrew, open a terminal window and paste the following command:

/bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL”

Step 2: This will download and run a script that will install Homebrew on your Mac. You may need to enter your password and confirm some prompts during the process.

Step 3: To install sqlite3 for Ruby using Homebrew, run the following command:

brew install sqlite3

Install sqlite using brew

Step 4: This will download and install the latest version of sqlite3 and its dependencies. You can check the installation by running:

sqlite3 –version

This should display the version number of sqlite3 that you have installed.

Sqllite3 version

Step 5: To use sqlite3 with Ruby, you need to install a gem called sqlite3, which is a library that provides an interface between Ruby and sqlite3.

A gem is a package of Ruby code that can be easily installed and used. To install the sqlite3 gem, run the following command:

gem install sqlite3

To Run sqlite3 use the following command(make sure you are in the same directory where you installed sqlite3):


2. Using the Sqlite3 Source Code

If you prefer to install sqlite3 from the source code, you can download the latest version of sqlite3 from the sqlite3 website. You will need to have a C compiler and a make tool installed on your Mac, which you can get by installing Xcode and the Xcode Command Line Tools, as explained in the previous methods. To install sqlite3 from the source code, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download the sqlite3 source code from the sqlite3 website and extract the zip file to a folder of your choice.

sqlite3 download page

Step 2: Click on the download .

Step 3: Open a terminal window and navigate to the folder where you extracted the sqlite3 source code.

Step 4: Now just run the sqllite3 command and you are good to go: –




In this article, we have shown you how to install sqlite3 for Ruby on MacOS using different methods. We have also shown you how to verify the installation by creating and manipulating a simple database using Ruby and sqlite3. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to share.

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