How to Import another TypeScript Files ?

Some times we want some facility that we have been used in our previous projects, in that situation we can’t rewrite that script again we can simply import that by making that file exportable. To import other TypeScript files into an existing TypeScript file we should know the concept of modules. Starting with ECMAScript 2015, JavaScript has a concept of modules and TypeScript shares this concept.

Modules are small units of independent, reusable code that is desired to be used as the building blocks. Modules let the developer define private and public members separately, making it one of the more desired design patterns in the script paradigm. You may see modules as Classes as in any other Object-Oriented Programming Language. Exported from a different module, it has to be imported using one of the import forms.

Example 1: Import a class from a file to another file.

  • Code 1: This code file will be imported and save the file name as exportedFile.ts in a directory.

    // Exporting the class which will be
    // used in another file
    // Export keyword or form should be
    // used to use the class 
    export class exportedFile {
        // Class method which prints the
        // user called in another file
            return "Hello " + user+ "!";


  • Code 2: This code file will be import the above code, and save this file as the name mainFile.ts in the same directory.

    // Importing the class from the location of the file
    import { exportedFile } from "./exportedFile";
    // Creating an object of the class which is imported
    let user = new exportedFile();
    // Calling the imported class function


  • Output:
    Hello Geek!

Note: You have to compile the mainFile.ts that will generate the mainFile.js that run js file.

In the TypeScript file which is to be imported must include an export form and the main file where the class is imported must contain an import form, by which TypeScript can identify the file which is used. By using this type of export and import forms we can import classes, interfaces, functions, variables anything that we want.

Example 2: We can also import them by renaming them as of our needs. Importing a function from another file by renaming the function.

  • Code 1: Save this file as a exportedFile.ts

    // Exporting the function which will be
    // used in another file
    export function sayHello(user:string) {
        return "Hello " + user + "!";


  • Code 2: Save this file as a mainFile.ts

    // Importing the function sayHello and renaming it 
    // from the location of the file
    import { sayHello as hello } from "./exportedFile";
    let user = "Jake";
    // Calling the imported function


  • Output:
    Hello Jake!

Example 3: We can import all the contents of a file by using import all form as shown below. Import all is indicated as ‘import *’.

  • Code 1: Save this file as a exportedFile.ts

    // Here we have to export all the
    // class, interface, function 
    export class sayGoodByeTo {
        goodbye(user: string) {
            return "Good bye " + user + "!";
    export interface howareYou {
        howareyou(user: string) : string;
    export function sayHello(user:string) {
        return "Hello " + user + "!";


  • Code 2: Save this file as a mainFile.ts

    // Importing everything from the exportedFile.ts module
    // Import all is indicated using 'import *' 
    // and here 'as' keyword 
    import * as importAll from "./exportedFile";
    let user = "Beginner";
    // Calling the imported function
    // Implementing the imported interface
    class hru implements importAll.howareYou {
        howareyou(user: string){
            return "How are you "+user+"!";
    // Calling the implemented function in the 
    // Interface which is imported
    let jd = new hru();
    // Creating the object of the imported class
    // and calling it's function
    let bye = new importAll.sayGoodByeTo();


  • Output:
    Hello Beginner!
    How are you Beginner!
    Good bye Beginner!

Note: To import all, it is necessary to rename the module. It is basically wrapping all the class, function, interface in a single module when we are using the as keyword. We can also import multiple files by simply writing multiple import forms and module location.

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