How to Implement Graph in Ruby?

Graphs are basic data structures that represent the connections between different items. They are made up of edges (links) that show the connections between the entities and vertices (nodes) that represent the entities themselves. Numerous applications, such as social networks, navigation systems, routing algorithms, scheduling issues, and more, heavily rely on graphs.

Table of Content

  • What is a Graph?
  • Types of Graphs
  • Implementing Graphs in Ruby
  • Conclusion

What is a Graph?

A graph is a fundamental data structure used to represent relationships between entities. It consists of two main components:

  1. Vertices (Nodes): Nodes in a graph are like the different pieces or things you are focusing on. They represent the individual items or entities that you want to understand or connect in the graph. So, nodes are just the specific things or items you’re dealing with in your graph.
  2. Edges (Connections): Edges in a graph are like arrows or lines that connect nodes, showing how they are related. They can be like two-way streets where the connection works both ways (undirected), or they can be like one-way streets where the connection only goes in one direction (directed). So, edges tell us how nodes are connected and whether the connection has a direction or not.

Types of Graphs

There are two main types of graphs:

1. Directed Graph

There is a one-way relationship between the connected nodes. For example, in a directed graph representing a website’s link structure, if there is a link from page A to page B, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a link from page B back to page A. So, directed edges show us one-way connections between nodes, like the links on a website that point from one page to another.

2. Undirected Graph

Undirected edges in a graph are like a two-way street where traffic can flow in both directions. For instance, in a social network graph, if there is a connection between two people, it means they are friends with each other. It’s like saying they have a mutual connection, without specifying who is initiating the connection.

Implementing Graphs in Ruby

There are two main ways to implement graphs in Ruby:

1. Hash-Based Adjacency List

Graphs can be implemented effectively using a hash-based adjacency list approach. Each node is stored as a key, with its adjacent nodes represented as values in an array or set.

  • This method is efficient for sparse networks and allows for easy traversal and manipulation of graph structures.
  • Examples of graphs include social networks, transportation networks, and computer networks.
  • With this implementation, you can easily add nodes, create connections between them, and perform various graph algorithms to analyze the relationships between entities.


In this code, we are using a method called hashing to store information about connections between different points.

  • Imagine you have a bunch of points on a map, and each point has some nearby points connected to it.
  • We use a special table (like a list of keys and values) called a hash table.
  • Each point’s name is like a key in this table, and the nearby points connected to it are stored as values linked to that key.
  • So, it’s like having a list where you can quickly look up any point and see which other points are nearby.
  • This method helps us efficiently keep track of how different points are connected in a graph.


class Graph
  def initialize
    @nodes = { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] }

  def add_node(value)
    raise ArgumentError, "Node value cannot be nil" if value.nil?

  def add_edge(node1, node2)
    raise ArgumentError, "Nodes #{node1} and #{node2} 
    do not exist" unless @nodes[node1] && @nodes[node2]
    @nodes[node1] << node2
    # For undirected graphs, add the edge in the opposite 
    # direction as well
    @nodes[node2] << node1

  def print_graph
    @nodes.each do |node, neighbors|
      puts "#{node} => #{neighbors.join(', ')}"

# Example usage:
graph =
graph.add_edge(1, 2)
graph.add_edge(2, 3)
graph.add_edge(3, 1)



2. Adjacency Matrix

This method represents connections between nodes using a grid like structure. Each node corresponds to both a row and a column in a two-dimensional array.

  • The value at a particular row-column intersection indicates whether there is an edge (usually represented by 1) or no connection (typically represented by 0) between the corresponding nodes.
  • It is efficient for quickly checking connections in networks with many edges, also known as dense networks.

Approach: The adjacency matrix is a grid, like a table, where the rows and columns represent different points, or nodes, in the graph.

  • If there is a connection between two points, a “1” is placed where the row for one point and the column for the other point intersect.
  • This “1” indicates that there is a link between those two points.
  • So, by looking at this grid, you can quickly see which points are connected to each other without needing to search through a lot of information.
  • It is like a simple way to represent connections between different points in the graph using a two dimensional array.


class Graph
  def initialize(num_nodes)
    @num_nodes = num_nodes
    @matrix = {, 0) }

  def add_edge(node1, node2)
    raise ArgumentError, "Invalid nodes" unless valid_node?(node1) && 
    @matrix[node1][node2] = 1
    # For undirected graphs
    @matrix[node2][node1] = 1 

  def print_graph
    @matrix.each do |row|
      puts row.join(' ')


  def valid_node?(node)
    node >= 0 && node < @num_nodes

# Example usage:
graph =
graph.add_edge(0, 1)
graph.add_edge(0, 2)
graph.add_edge(1, 2)
graph.add_edge(2, 3)




Ruby allows programmers to model complex relationships between various entities in real world scenarios. By understanding the basics of graph theory and leveraging appropriate data structures and algorithms, programmers can effectively tackle a wide range of problems. Ruby’s flexibility and intuitive syntax make it particularly well suited for implementing graph based solutions efficiently.

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