How to Identify an Algebraic Expression?

Identifying an algebraic expression involves recognizing certain elements that differentiate them from other mathematical expressions.

An algebraic expression is an expression composed of various components, such as variables, constants, coefficients, and arithmetic operations. These components form various parts of the algebraic expressions.

An algebraic expression is a linear equation composed of any number of variables. The highest power of the variable is known as the degree. An algebraic expression containing one variable is monomial, two variables are binomial, and so on. For example, if we assume an expression to be, 3x2 + 11.

Algebraic Expression

Terms in an Algebraic Expression

Terms of an algebraic expression are known as the components of the expression. An algebraic expression may be composed of one or more terms. A term of an expression may be a constant, a variable, a product of more than two variables (xy), or a product of a variable and a constant. Terms add up together to form an algebraic expression.

For instance, in the algebraic expression 3x + y, the two terms are 3x and y. Terms can be further classified depending on the variables and the corresponding powers defining them. They may be divided into like and unlike terms.

Identify an Algebraic Expression

An algebraic expression is an expression composed of various components or terms. To differentiate an algebraic expression from other types of mathematical expressions, remember that:

  • Equations have an equals sign (=), showing equality between two expressions (e.g., 2?+3=7).
  • Expressions do not have an equals sign and represent a value (e.g., 2?+3).

When you see a combination of variables, constants, and operators without an equals sign, you are likely looking at an algebraic expression.

The algebraic expressions may be identified by the following components:

  • A variable or a combination of variables: For instance, 4x is an algebraic expression containing x as the variable and 3xy+4 is an algebraic expression containing variables x and y.
  • Numbers: Used for denoting coefficient and constant values.
  • At least one mathematical operation: Elementary mathematical operations are permissible in the algebraic expression (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division).
  • Algebraic expressions must constitute a finite sum.
    • For instance, let us assume x = 3. Therefore, for the equation 3x+4 , we have, (3 x 3) + 4 = 13 is obtained. Therefore, 13 is the finite sum obtained.
    • Sum of infinite numbers is not an algebraic expression.
  • Algebraic expressions must constitute a finite product.
  • Exponents must be either integer or rational.
    • For instance, x1/2 is an algebraic expression, whereas xlog 2 is not an algebraic expression.
  • An algebraic expression may contain an integer factorial.

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Sample Questions

Question 1: Identify the various components of algebraic expressions: 4x + 3y – 2. 


Algebraic expression is constituted by the following parts: 

4x and 3y, where 4 and 3 are coefficients and x and y, are variables. -2 is the constant part of the expression. 

Question 2: Illustrate some types of functions that are not algebraic expressions. 


Trigonometry and inverse trigonometric functions are functions that are not algebraic in nature. For example, cos x and tan-1 y are not algebraic expressions. 

Question 3: Differentiate between algebraic and arithmetic expressions.


Algebraic Expressions Arithmetic Expressions
Can contain variables Doesn’t contain variables
Can contain exponents Doesn’t contain integer or rational exponents

Question 4: Solve for x =3, (1 – x2)/(1 + x2)


We have, 

(1 – x2)/(1 + x2)

for x = 3,

= {1 – (3)2}/{1 + (3)2}


= (1 – 9)/(1 + 9) = -8/10

= -4/5

How to Identify an Algebraic Expression – FAQs

What is an identity of algebraic expressions?

Algebraic expression that are valid for all the values of variables are called Algebraic Identites.

How to identify terms in algebra?

Terms in an algebraic expressions are components that are added or subtracted.

How do you identify an algebraic function?

A function is called an algebraic function iff it involves the mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponents (including roots).

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