How to Hide and Show a Console Window in C++?

The task is to hide and Show the console window of a C++ program. The program for the same is given below.

Note: The results of the following program can only be seen when it is executed on a console. 



// C++ program to hide and show a console window
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
void countdown()
    cout << "3" << endl;
    cout << "2" << endl;
    cout << "1" << endl;
    cout << "0" << endl;
int main()
    HWND window;
    // You Can Find HANDLE of other windows too
    window = FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass", NULL);
    ShowWindow(window, 0);
    ShowWindow(window, 1);



Explanation: The above program counts from 3 to 1 before the Console Window disappears. After the window has disappeared, the ShowWindow helps the program so that the Console Window reappears again after counting from 3 to 1(executing the countdown function).

The execution of the program can be understood by understanding the key functions of the program.

  • #include<windows.h> – The windows.h header in C++ programming languages are specifically designed for windows and contain a very large number of windows specific functions.
  • AllocConsole()- AllocConsole initializes standard input, standard output, and standard error handles for the new console. 
  • ShowWindow()- Sets the specified window’s show state.
  • FindWindowA()– Takes string parameters and checks whose class name and window name match the specified strings

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