How to handle syntax errors in Node.js ?

Here, we will discuss and learn about the syntax error in node.js and how we can handle these syntax errors, because when we are using node.js and code on, it might be obvious to make mistakeā€¦

Node.js: Node.js is a software platform that allows developers to use JavaScript to run server-side scripts. It is built on Chromeā€™s V8 JavaScript engine and is designed to be lightweight and efficient.

The event-driven, non-blocking I/O model of Node.js makes it well-suited for real-time, high-concurrency applications, such as web servers, real-time apps, and command-line tools. These types of applications often have to handle numerous simultaneous connections and perform input/output (I/O) operations efficiently.

If there is a syntax error while working with Node.js: A Syntax error occurs when the code you have written violates the rules of the programming language you are using. In the case of Node.js, a syntax error might occur if you have mistyped a keyword, or if you have forgotten to close a parenthesis or curly brace.

Example: Of Syntax Error


const http= require('http');
const server= http.createServer(function (req, res){
    res.write('Hello World!');


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ')'

To handle a syntax error in Node.js, you can try the following approaches:

  • Check the error message that appears in the console. This message can provide information on the nature of the error and the location in the code where it occurred.
  • Review your code carefully and look for any typos or mistakes. Make sure that you have used proper spelling, punctuation, and special characters.
  • Make sure that your code is properly indented. Proper indentation can make it easier to spot missing or misplaced braces or parentheses, which can cause syntax errors.
  • To ensure that your code is free of syntax errors, it is important to make sure that you are using the correct syntax for the version of Node.js that you are running. If you are using a newer version of Node.js, some syntax that was previously accepted may no longer be supported, so it is essential to check the documentation for the version you are using.

Third-party tools to handle syntax errors: There are several third-party tools that can help you check for and handle syntax errors in Node.js. Some examples include:

Use a Linter: A linter is a tool that checks your code for syntax errors and other issues. There are various linters available for Node.js, such as ESLint, JSHint, etc. These tools can help you find and fix syntax errors before you run your code.

To use a linter for syntax error checking in Node.js, you will need to install and run the file using JSHint.

Here is an example of how you might do this:-

Choose a linter and install it by running the appropriate command in your terminal/PowerShell.

For example, to install JSHint, you would run:

npm install -g jshint

This will install the linter globally on your system, allowing you to use it from any project.

Run the linter on your code by running the appropriate command in your project directory. For example, to run JSHint on a file named ā€œfile.jsā€, you would run:

jshint file.js

This will check your code for syntax errors and other issues according to the rules specified in your configuration file. If the linter finds any problems, it will display an error message indicating the location and nature of the issue.


Using JSHint for debugging

Using Nodemon: Nodemon is a tool that automatically restarts your Node.js application whenever you make changes to your code. It is typically used during development to make it easier to test and debug your code. Nodemon does not have the ability to check your code for syntax errors on its own, but it can be used in conjunction with a linter to help you find and fix syntax errors in your code.

To use nodemon with a linter for syntax error checking in Node.js, you will need to install both tools and configure them for your project. Here is an example of how you might do this:

Install nodemon and the linter by running the appropriate commands in your terminal. For example, to install nodemon and JSHint, you would run:

npm install -g nodemon jshint

This will install both tools globally on your system, allowing you to use them from any project.

Start nodemon with the linter by running the following command in your project directory:

nodemon --exec "jshint file.js"

This will start nodemon and run the linter on your code whenever you make changes to your code. If the linter finds any syntax errors or other issues, it will display an error message indicating the location and nature of the issue.


Nodemon and JSHint for debugging

Please go through Explain some Error Handling approaches in the Node.js article to know more about Error Handling approaches. 

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