How to Get Length of Array in Excel VBA?

We use UBound and LBound functions to get the length of an Array in Excel VBA. In this article, we will discuss them in detail.

Syntax: UBound() function

UBound (arrayname, [ dimension ])


  • arrayname: required. Array variable name
  • dimension: optional

Returns: Return upper limit of an array dimension.

Syntax: LBound() Function

LBound (arrayname, [ dimension ])


  • arrayname : required. Array variable name
  • dimension : optional

Returns: Return lower limit of an array dimension

Sample Data: 

VBA Code to get the length of Array (one-dimensional array):

Declare Variables:

Declaring a customer array with the size of 10.

Sub oneDimArrayLength()
' Array variable Declaration
Dim customer (1 To 10) As String

Assign values to array elements

customer(1) = "ANTON"
customer(2) = "BERGS"
customer(3) = "BOLID"
customer(4) = "KOENE"
customer(5) = "FRANS"

Use UBound function to get the size of an array and Message box to display the result

'Message box to popup length of 1D array
MsgBox "Array has " & UBound(customer) & " element(s)."

End Sub

To Run VBA Code

Press Alt+F8 to popup macro window.  Select ” oneDimArrayLength” and Click Run button.


VBA Code to get the length of Array (multi-dimensional array)

Declaring variables:

Declaring ProdAndCustomer multi-dimensional array size of 10 rows and 2 columns

Sub twoDimArrayLength()

' Array variable Declaration
Dim ProdAndCustomer(1 To 10, 1 To 2) As String, noOfRow As Integer, noOfCol As Integer, noOfElements As Integer

Assign values to array elements

ProdAndCustomer(1, 1) = "Alice Mutton"
ProdAndCustomer(2, 1) = "Boston Crab Meat"
ProdAndCustomer(3, 1) = "Camembert Pierrot"
ProdAndCustomer(4, 1) = "Alice Mutton"
ProdAndCustomer(5, 1) = "Ipoh Coffee"

ProdAndCustomer(1, 2) = "ANTON"
ProdAndCustomer(2, 2) = "BERGS"
ProdAndCustomer(3, 2) = "BOLID"
ProdAndCustomer(4, 2) = "BOTTM"
ProdAndCustomer(5, 2) = "FURIB"

Compute Number of Rows, Number of Columns using UBound and LBound function.  Multiply by noOfRow and noOfCol variable to get Number of elements in multi-dimensional array. 

noOfRow = UBound(ProdAndCustomer, 1) - LBound(ProdAndCustomer, 1) + 1
noOfCol = UBound(ProdAndCustomer, 2) - LBound(ProdAndCustomer, 2) + 1
noOfElements = noOfRow * noOfCol

Message box to popup result

'Message box to popup length of 1D array
MsgBox "Array has " & noOfElements & " element(s)."

End Sub

To Run VBA Code

Press Alt+F8 to popup macro window.  Select ” twoDimArrayLength” and Click Run button.


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