How to get keys and values from Map Type column in Spark SQL DataFrame

In Python, the MapType function is preferably used to define an array of elements or a dictionary which is used to represent key-value pairs as a map function. The Maptype interface is just like HashMap in Java and the dictionary in Python. It takes a collection and a function as input and returns a new collection as a result. 

The formation of a map column is possible by using the createMapType() function on the DataTypes class such as StringType, IntegerType, ArrayType, and many more. This formation mainly takes two arguments, one is keyType and another is valueType which should extend the DataTypes class. valueContainsNull is the third param which is an optional boolean type, used to signify the value of the second param which accepts Null/None values. To get the key-value pair map type function applies a given operation to each element of a collection such as either list or an array.

Features and functionalities of  MapType function:

  • We use maptype function for data transformation due to its flexibility. 
  • It applies various transformations on output such as addition, multiplication, string concatenation, or other,  which is defined for the collection of data type.
  • MapType functions are collimated, which signifies that they can be executed on multiple threads to enhance the performance of map functions to handle massive collections.
  • Output is computed only when they are needed, which overall saves memory as well as run time.

Create MapType in Spark DataFrame

Let us first create PySpark MapType to create map objects using the MapType() function.  Then create the schema using the StructType() and StructField() functions. After that create a DataFrame using the spark.createDataDrame() method, which takes the data as one of its parameters. In this example, we are taking a list of tuples as the dataset. the printSchema() and show() methods are used to display the schema and the dataframe as the output.


#import needed modules
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType, MapType
mapCol = MapType(StringType(),StringType(),False)
#Convert the map of StructType to an array of StructType for further implementation.
from pyspark.sql.types import StructField, StructType, StringType, MapType
schema = StructType([
    StructField('identification', StringType(), True),
    StructField('features', MapType(StringType(),StringType()),True)
# Dynamically create MapType on Spark DataFrame and assign to assign displayed attribute.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('w3wiki').getOrCreate()
dataDictionary = [
#print the final created schema.
df = spark.createDataFrame(data=dataDictionary, schema = schema)


Schema and DataFrame created

Steps to get Keys and Values from the Map Type column in SQL DataFrame

The described example is written in Python to get keys and values from the Map Type column in the SQL dataframe.

Example 1: Display the attributes and features of MapType

In this example, we will extract the keys and values of the features that are used in the DataFrame. Thr function returns the new DataFrame after applying the provided operation to each element of the input DataFrame.


# formatting the features and attributes x: \
    (x.identification,x.features["pupil"],x.features["nails"])) \
# show the schema


Schema, Attributes and Features of the DataFrame

Example 2: Get the keys and values from MapType using .getItem() 


#Apply .getItem function to
#assign features into  desired column
df.withColumn("pupil",df.features.getItem("pupil")) \
  .withColumn("nails",df.features.getItem("nails")) \
  .drop("features") \


Keys and Values using getItem()

Example 3: Getting all the keys MapType using Explode function

Using the explode() function, we can get all the keys that are in MapType.


#Import the needed modules
from pyspark.sql.functions import explode,map_keys
# then use the explode to get
# keys and values of dataframe
keysDF =
keysList = x:x[0]).collect()


['pupil', 'nails']

Example 4: Getting the keys and values using explode function


# Using explode function to get keys and values
from pyspark.sql.functions import explode,explode(df.features)).show()


Keys and Values using explode() function

Example 5: Getting keys and values using map_key function


# To extract keys we can use map_key()
#import module
from pyspark.sql.functions import map_keys,map_keys(df.features)).show()


Keys and Values using map_key() function

Example 6: Getting keys and values using map_values.


# using map_values on the designed dataframe
# importing the desired module.
from pyspark.sql.functions import map_values,map_values(df.features)).show()


Keys and Values using map_values() function


The above implementation shows the multiple ways to fetch the key-value pair using maptype function. Hence, we can easily implement maptype function similar to the dictionary.

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