How to get 1,000 subscribers on YouTube

You want to upgrade your YouTube channel, right? YouTube’s goal is to get as many people as possible to see your videos, right? I recommend getting 1,000 YouTube subscribers straight soon if you want to make money from your videos.

Why? It is because your channel with 1000 subscribers will allow you to join the YouTube Partner Program and help you earn and start making money from your channel in different ways. Over 10 million authors have already hit 1,000 subscribers, so the goal is doable. Still, a lot of artists miss this important moment. Focus on your channel’s progress, and don’t give up.

Now, we can help you get 1,000 YouTube followers for free and easily. Find out what easy changes you can make to your videos and channel, as well as the tools you can use to help you reach that goal by reading on.

Create Videos for One Target Audience

Focus on one group if you want to get 1,000 YouTube followers. You can make content that really speaks to people who like the same things you do by focusing on a specific area.

Suppose you want to get in touch with gardeners. Don’t give planting advice in general style. Create specific things in its place, like “the box Gardening Tips for Urban Spaces.” This targeted content addresses your audience’s interests, which gets them to interact, share, and, most importantly, subscribe.

Create the Most Popular Kinds of Content

Making a YouTube movie can be hard because there are so many ideas out there. No matter the station, four types of videos will always work:

  • Seeing how people react to funny or sad events is a lot of fun.
  • Using how-to videos to answer regularly asked questions in a useful way.
  • Comparing movies, like Samsung Galaxy vs. iPhone, because everyone likes a good debate.
  • A group of movies like “30 Cheap Meal Plan Ideas to Save Money” can keep you interested for a long time.

Identify Which Videos Attract the Most Subscribers

Check out the videos that got the most followers if your channel has 20 to 40 videos. Track this analysis in the YouTube Studio. It’s called “subscribers gained.”

Simply follow these steps to get to this data:

1. Go to the Hub on YouTube.

2. In the window on the left, click Analytics.

3. Click See More under the YouTube dashboard for monthly views, subscribers, revenue, and watch time.

4. Click on Subscribers Gained in the first box of filters.

5. Check the most-subscribed videos. Make videos like this to get more YouTube followers.

Promote Your YouTube Channel

Give some time to your video content promotion so that you have a good audience in the auditorium. To increase your subscribers, share your videos on the YouTube Community tab and social media, among other platforms.

There are other strategies that you can try-

  • Adding YouTube at the end of the screen engages more people to watch more of your videos.
  • Discuss more about other YouTube videos that are the same as your niche with your audience.
  • Conduct live sessions to interact with your audience.
  • Play the game of Hashtags wisely in your videos.

Add a YouTube Subscribe Button to Your Videos

Once you’ve uploaded your video, attract more subscribers by using the “Subscribe” icon and using the YouTube Studio to add it as a video watermark. It is one of the smartest and easiest ways to do this because viewers can click on the icon while watching your content.

Place a YouTube Subscribe Link in Video Descriptions

The Description box of YouTube is just like a box full of treasure. Apart from adding an “about” section for the video, you can also add your website’s link, social media accounts, and advertising links. Adding affiliation links makes it easy for people to join your group.

You can also add “?sub_confirmation=1” to the end of the URL of your channel to create a membership link.

Ask Viewers to Subscribe to Your Channel

You won’t get what you want if you don’t ask for it. A lot of YouTubers use their videos to ask their viewers to join their channel. Make sure your question is short and clear and doesn’t take away from the video’s main point.

It would help if you asked people to join in a clear way near the middle or end of your videos. It’s possible to add a join button to the last few frames of the video using a YouTube end screen.

Reach new audiences through creator collaborations.

Joining with other people to make videos takes a lot of work. They look for people with similar hobbies, have conversations about how they could work together, and make a lot of videos together. Both creators get something very useful, though, after all that work. They can cross-post their groups and get 1,000 YouTube followers more quickly.

Unlock valuable insights with YouTube Analytics.

If you want to really get to the bottom of how to get more subscribers on YouTube, you’ll need to check out your channel’s analytics. This free tool carefully looks at user interaction, from initial clicks to watch duration, giving you important information for strategic channel growth.

Build a Community

When you connect with your audience on the ground level, it keeps them engaged with your videos. For this, you regularly need to monitor the comments and thoughts of your viewers and subscribers on the feed.

It can be impressive when you get appraised by famous YouTubers over the comment section, but always keep in mind that it takes no time for new talent to shine on YouTube. Creating a community of people with the same interests and supporting each other’s channels can turn out to be really helpful.

Develop a Strong Brand Identity for Your YouTube Channel

Branding for your YouTube channel is significant for portraying your identity and genre. Your first impression can really bring you good results with clean poster art, consistency with your brand, and creativity that is shown up. Ensure that you work at every aspect. Coming to the next aspect of the channel logo that symbolizes your visual mark, identity, and recognition. Put your heart out on the “About us” page, where you’ve penned down everything about your brand, its values, and how people can connect through it.

Create a Video Series

Video series is really an interesting feature that helps you engage with more people and grow your channel. Plan and prepare content on that subject that you’ve researched well, and then create a playlist of related videos. Try to maintain your style and be consistent in this game.

Make Your Video More Discoverable by Optimizing Your Titles, Descriptions, And Tags

Play well with your keywords to make your YouTube movie more visible and reach more people. Ensure that the names and tags rightly describe the content to make it easier for the audience to find in the search engines. Say, for example, “Easy Vegan Feasts for Newbies” on a food channel film could use tags like “vegan cooking,” “beginner recipes,” and “plant-based meals.” Remember to add keywords in the titles, descriptions, and tags, and check if they are correct instead of using general terms like “Click Here.” The perfectly matched keywords help with SEO and bring in your target audience.

Create a Channel Trailer

Settings can be changed on YouTube so that the featured video space on your channel works best for both members and people who aren’t subscribers. Design an appealing. Make an appealing teaser for the non-subscribers that gives them a short, interesting brief about your channel’s content to get them to join.

Release your Videos on a Set Schedule

Focus on informative and creative content rather than just uploading endless content that does not deliver any value to the viewers and subscribers. Always aim to deliver quality content rather than just increasing the figures to get more subscribers. Sharing valuable and informative content consistently helps you build trust with your audience.

Keep viewers hooked with recommendations.

Let your audience view your videos and present their feedback and reviews. Entertain and engage them by creating playlists with content. When a YouTube video ends, use the “end card” tool to show clips of other videos that are similar. It will help people find your next big hit and keep them interested in what you have to say.

Always interact with your audience and get their valuable feedback on your videos. Create a playlist to keep your audience connected and engaged. When a YouTube video ends, use the “end card” tool to show clips of other videos that are similar. This “End card” feature acts like an Ace that helps people find your next big hit and keep them interested in what you deliver.

Create Exclusive Content for YouTube Shorts

Long video formats are popular and hold a special place in the viewer’s heart. Still, short videos have a different algorithm to get new viewers and subscribers without taking away from current content. Their natural speed makes them perfect for trying out new ideas and being creative. Short videos are very simple to create; just with your phone and a few minutes, you can make and edit a short video, which encourages artistic discovery. The chosen Shorts feed makes random finding more likely, which means that your content will reach a lot more people, and you’ll have a lot more chances to get new subscribers.


Attaining the milestone of 1k subscribers needs proper strategy and planning. Once you reach that mark, you’ll channel will get monetized and you will unveil additional features. However, always try to deliver good quality content through your videos to engage the viewers. Still curious how to get there? The best video maker, Filmora, has you covered. It will make brand-promoting films easy and professional.


Can YouTube Shorts make money without 1,000 subscribers?

You need 1,000 subscribers and to be a part of the YouTube Partner Program in order to make money from ads on YouTube. Shorts with 500 subscribers can make money through Super Thanks and other fan-funding methods. There are many ways to make money, such as affiliate marketing, selling products, and more.

How much do channels with 1000 subscribers earn?

A recent study by SocialBlade found that YouTubers with 1,000 subscribers make $12 a month. Earnings might vary greatly across YouTubers.

What happens with 1,000 YouTube subscribers?

You can join the YouTube Partner Program once you have 1,000 subscribers. It is where commercials and fan support pay for you. Additionally, you must have watched 4,000 hours of content in the last 365 days or 10 million public Shorts in the last 90 days.

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