How to Fix “TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not float” in Python

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language used in various fields from web development to data analysis. However, like any programming language, Python can produce errors that might seem confusing at first. One such common error is the TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not float. Understanding this error and knowing how to fix it is crucial for the developers to write robust and bug-free code. This article will provide an in-depth explanation of this error its causes and various methods to fix it.

What Causes the Error?

In Python, lists are indexed using the integers. Each element in a list can be accessed using the integer index starting from 0 for the first element. The TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not float occurs when you try to access a list element using the float instead of the integer. For example:

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(my_list[2.5])  # This will cause a TypeError

In the example above 2.5 is a float and using it as an index for the list my_list will raise the TypeError.

Why is it Important?

Understanding and fixing this error is important because it helps maintain the integrity of the code. Accessing list elements with the correct indices ensures that the program runs as expected and prevents unexpected behavior or crashes.

How to Fix the Error

There are several ways to the fix the TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not float. Here are some common methods:

1. Ensure Indices are Integers

The simplest way to fix this error is to the ensure that you are using the integers as the indices when accessing list elements. we can use the int() function to the convert a float to the integer if necessary.

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
index = 2.5
print(my_list[int(index)])  # Convert float to int



2. Use Integer Division

If the index is the result of the division operation make sure to the use integer division (//) instead of the float division (/). The Integer division will return an integer result.

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
index = 5 / 2
print(my_list[int(index)])  # Using float division



Alternatively, use integer division:

index = 5 // 2
print(my_list[index])  # Using integer division



3. Validate User Input

If the index comes from the user input or external data or validate and convert it to an integer before using it to the access list elements.

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
user_input = input("Enter an index: ")  # Assume user enters 2.5
index = float(user_input)
if index.is_integer():
    print("Please enter a valid integer index.")


Please enter a valid integer index.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Assuming all numerical inputs are integers: Always validate and convert inputs to the ensure they are integers.
  • Using floats in loops: When iterating over a list ensure loop indices are integers.
  • Ignoring edge cases: Consider all possible input scenarios including the floats and negative numbers.


The TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not float in Python is a common error that occurs when using the non-integer indices to the access list elements. By understanding the causes and implementing the solutions provided we can prevent and fix this error in the code. Ensuring the proper index types is essential for the writing robust and error-free programs.


Q1: Can I use floats as indices if they represent whole numbers?

No, even if a float represents a whole number it must be converted to the integer before being used as a list index.

Q2: What happens if I use a negative float as an index?

Using a negative float as an index will also raise a TypeError. Always convert floats to the integers regardless of their sign.

Q3: Can I use slicing with float indices?

No, slicing requires integer indices as well. Using floats in the slicing will raise a TypeError.

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