How to Fix TypeError: ‘builtin_function_or_method’ Object Is Not Subscriptable in Python

The TypeError: ‘builtin_function_or_method’ object is not subscribable is a common error encountered by Python developers when attempting to access an element of an object using the square brackets ([]) as if it were a sequence or mapping. This error typically occurs when trying to index or slice a function or method instead of the data structure like a list or dictionary. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of this error and provide solutions to fix it.

Understanding the Error

In Python, subscriptable objects are those that support indexing or slicing operations such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, and strings. When you attempt to use square brackets to access an element of the object that does not support these operations Python raises the TypeError: ‘builtin_function_or_method’ object is not subscriptable.

Causes of the Error

  1. Calling a Function Without Parentheses: The Forgetting to include the parentheses when calling a function can result in the reference to the function object itself rather than calling it. The Attempting to the index or slice this function object will raise the error.
  2. Confusion Between Functions and Variables: The Accidentally using the name of the function without calling it leading to the referencing the function object instead of the its return value.
  3. Method Chaining: The Mistakenly chaining method calls without the parentheses resulting in the accessing the method object rather than its return value.

Fixing the Error

  1. Ensure Function Calls Include Parentheses: Always ensure that function calls include parentheses () to the execute the function and retrieve its return value. For example: use function_name() instead of the function_name.
  2. Check Variable Names: The Verify that you are using the correct variable names and not inadvertently referencing function objects.
  3. Use Method Calls Correctly: When chaining method calls ensure each method call is followed by the parentheses if it requires arguments or returns a value. For example: use object.method() instead of the object.method.

Example Code to Illustrate Fixing the Error:

# Incorrect usage causing TypeError
result = len()  # Missing argument in len() function call
# Corrected usage
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
result = len(my_list)  # Correct usage with parentheses

# Incorrect usage causing TypeError
function = max  # Assigning function object to variable without calling it
max_value = function[my_list]  # Incorrect attempt to index function object
# Corrected usage
max_value = function(my_list)  # Correct usage by calling the function


The TypeError: ‘builtin_function_or_method’ object is not subscriptable occurs when attempting to the index or slice a function or method object that does not support these operations. To fix this error ensure that function calls include parentheses use correct variable names and apply method calls properly. By understanding the causes of the error and following the provided the solutions we can effectively resolve this common issue in the Python programming.

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