How to fix “SyntaxError: invalid character” in Python

In this article, we will understand the SyntaxError: invalid character in Python through examples, and we will also explore potential approaches to resolve this issue.

What is “SyntaxError: invalid character” in Python?

Python SyntaxError: Invalid Character occurs when the interpreter encounters a character that it does not recognize as part of the Python syntax. This usually happens when we copy a code snippet from a web page, a PDF document, or another formatted text containing invalid characters or the active keyboard isn’t English, and we have typed an invalid character.


SyntaxError: invalid character

Why does SyntaxError: invalid character occurs in Python?

There are various reasons for SyntaxError: Invalid Character in Python. Here we are explaining some common reasons for SyntaxError: Invalid Character in Python:

  • Using invalid quotation marks
  • Error in mathematical operations

Using Invalid Quotation Marks

SyntaxError: Invalid Character error occurs when using quotation marks that are not recognized as valid string delimiters by Python.

# Using curly quotes instead of straight quotes
print(Hello, World!’)


Hangup (SIGHUP)
File "", line 1
print(‘Hello, World!’) # Using curly quotes instead of straight quotes
SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier

Error in Mathematical Operations

This error occurs when there’s a mistake in a mathematical operation, such as using invalid characters or operators.

# Using a multiplication symbol (×) instead of an asterisk (*)
result = 10 × 5


Hangup (SIGHUP)
File "", line 1
result = 10 × 5 # Using a multiplication symbol (×) instead of an asterisk (*)
SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier

Solution for “Syntaxerror: Invalid Character” in Python

Below are some of the ways by which we can fix Syntaxerror: Invalid Character in Python:

  • Correct Quotation Marks
  • Check Mathematical Operations

Correct Quotation Marks

In this example, we have used quotation marks correctly to prevent SynatxError. Always remember to use correct quotation marks syntax to prevent any error.

# Correct the quotation marks
text = 'Hello, world'

# Print the corrected string

Hello, world

Check Mathematical Operations

In this example, we are using multiplication operation in a correct way such that SyntaxError is not arising.

# Correct the multiplication operation
result = 10 * 2

# Print the result



In this article we discussed about Syntaxerror: Invalid Character in Python involves understanding the root cause, which may include wrong synatx use ,mathematical operation.By following above methods we can resolve the “SyntaxError: Invalid Character” in Python and ensure that our code runs smoothly without encountering syntax errors.

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