How to Fix – “Runtimeerror: Package Fails to Pass a Sanity Check” For Numpy and Pandas

Encountering errors during package installations can be a frustrating experience for Python developers. One such error, “RuntimeError: Package Fails To Pass A Sanity Check,” often arises due to compatibility issues or conflicts between Python versions and package versions. In this article, we’ll address how to resolve this error specifically when using Python 3.9 with Numpy 1.19.4.

What is RuntimeError: Package Fails To Pass A Sanity Check” For Numpy And Pandas Error?

The “RuntimeError: Package Fails To Pass A Sanity Check” error indicates that the package being installed fails to pass a sanity check performed by the installer. In the context of Python 3.9 and Numpy 1.19.4, this error may occur due to compatibility issues or conflicts between the versions.

Below are the reasons why RuntimeError: Package Fails To Pass A Sanity Check” For Numpy And Pandas Error occurs in Python:

  • Version Issue

Version Issue

When using Python 3.9 with Numpy 1.19.4, certain changes or updates in either Python or Numpy may result in compatibility issues, leading to the “RuntimeError: Package Fails To Pass A Sanity Check” error during installation.

import numpy


File "C:\Users\IBL Video.conda\envs\iblenv\lib\site-packages\", line 305, in
File "C:\Users\IBL Video.conda\envs\iblenv\lib\site-packages\", line 302, in _win_os_check
raise RuntimeError(msg.format(file)) from None
RuntimeError: The current Numpy installation ('C:\Users\IBL Video\.conda\envs\iblenv\lib\site-packages\numpy\') fails to pass a sanity check due to a bug in the windows runtime.

Solution for RuntimeError: Package Fails To Pass A Sanity Check” For Numpy And Pandas

Below is the solution for this error in Python:

Upgrading Numpy

To address compatibility issues and resolve the “RuntimeError: Package Fails To Pass A Sanity Check” error, we can try upgrading Numpy to the latest version available. By upgrading Numpy to the latest version, we ensure that any compatibility issues or conflicts with Python 3.9 are addressed, potentially resolving the “RuntimeError: Package Fails To Pass A Sanity Check” error.

pip install --upgrade numpy

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