How to Fix ImportError: Cannot Import name X in Python

We are given an error “Importerror: Cannot Import Name ‘X’ From ‘Collections’ ” in Python and our task is to find the solution for this error. In this article we will see the reasons for occurring and also the solution for the Importerror: Cannot Import Name ‘X’ From ‘Collections’ ” error in Python.

What is “Importerror: Cannot Import Name ‘X’ From ‘Collections’ ” in Python?

The “ImportError: Cannot Import Name ‘X’ From ‘Collections’” error typically arises when attempting to import the ‘X’ class from the ‘collections’ module in Python. This issue can manifest for various reasons, ranging from incompatible Python versions to changes in module structures. Understanding the root causes is crucial to implementing an effective solution.


ImportError: cannot import name 'X' from 'collections'

Below are the reasons for “Importerror: Cannot Import Name ‘X’ From ‘Collections’ ” in Python:

  • Outdated Version of Python
  • Deprecation of ‘X’ in Python 3.9

Outdated Version of Code

Older versions of Python might not have the ‘X‘ class in the ‘collections’ module. This can lead to an ImportError when trying to import it. Let’s look at an example.

# Example code triggering the error on
# an outdated Python version
from collections import X

def process_data(data):
    # Your code here to process the data

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sample_data = {"key": "value"}


----> 2 from collections import X
4 def process_data(data):
5 # Your code here to process the data

ImportError: cannot import name 'X' from 'collections'

Deprecation of ‘X’ in Python 3.9

Starting from Python 3.9, the ‘X’ class has been deprecated in favor of ‘’ If you’re using Python 3.9 or a later version, attempting to import ‘X’ directly will result in an error.

# Example code triggering the error on Python 3.9 or later
from collections import X

def process_data(data):
    # Your code here to process the data

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sample_data = {"key": "value"}


----> 2 from collections import X
4 def process_data(data):
5 # Your code here to process the data

ImportError: cannot import name 'X' from 'collections'

Solution For “Importerror: Cannot Import Name ‘X’ From ‘Collections’ ” in Python

Below, are the approahces to solve “Importerror: Cannot Import Name ‘X’ From ‘Collections’ ” in Python:

  • Check Python Version
  • Update Code for Python 3.9 and Later

Check Python Version

Verify that you are using a Python version that supports the ‘X’ class in the ‘collections’ module. If you’re running an outdated version, consider upgrading to a more recent release. let X= Mapping

from import Mapping

def process_data(data):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sample_data = {"key": "value"}

{'key': 'value'}

Update Code for Python 3.9 and Later

If you are using Python 3.9 or a later version, adjust your code to import ‘’ instead of ‘collections.X.’ let X= Mapping

from import Mapping

def process_data(data):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sample_data = {"key": "value"}

{'key': 'value'}

By following these steps and adapting your code accordingly, you should be able to resolve the “ImportError: Cannot Import Name ‘X’ From ‘Collections’” issue and continue working seamlessly with Python.

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