How to fix – “EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found” in Python

The “EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found” problem is frequently encountered by Python developers, especially when working with MySQL databases. It occurs when the Python interpreter is unable to find the MySQL configuration file (mysql_config) required for creating particular Python modules or packages that rely on MySQL.

Error Syntax:

EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found

Reason for EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found Error in Python

Several circumstances might cause the “EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found” problem. Here are a few instances, together with code snippets and their corresponding outputs:

  • Incorrect MySQL Installation Path:
  • Missing Dependencies or Misconfigured Environment Variables:

1. Incorrect MySQL Installation Path

In this scenario, the mysql_config file is located at /usr/bin/, but Python may be unable to reach it owing to misconfiguration or an improper path.

which mysql_config


EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found Error

2. Missing Dependencies or Misconfigured Environment Variables

The PATH environment variable may not include the directory containing mysql_config, preventing Python from finding the configuration file during compilation.

echo PATH


Steps for Troubleshooting

1. Check MySQL Installation

Make sure MySQL is installed correctly on your computer and that the necessary headers and development files are included in the installation.

sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

Verifying MySQL Configuration

Verify that the mysql_config file is where it should be. It is often located in /usr/bin/ or the MySQL installation directory on Unix-based computers.

which mysql_config


Installing MySQL Connector/Python

Install the MySQL Connector/Python package to access MySQL databases using a pure Python interface. This package can assist in resolving configuration difficulties and contains the required dependencies.

pip install mysql-connector-python

installation of mysql-connector-python

2. Checking PATH Environment Variable

Check that the PATH environment variable contains the directory that houses mysql_config. In the process of compilation, this enables the Python interpreter to find the configuration file.

echo PATH


Using Virtual Environments

For Python applications, think about utilising virtual environments to separate dependencies and prevent conflicts. To guarantee correct configuration, install MySQL and associated software inside the virtual environment.

python -m venv myenv

source myenv/bin/activate

(myenv) pip install mysql-connector-python

Here’s Python script shows you how to use MySQL Connector/Python to establish a connection to a MySQL database:


import mysql.connector

# Establishing a connection to MySQL
    cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='username', password='password',
    print("Connection successful!")
except mysql.connector.Error as err:
    print("Error:", err)
    # Closing the connection
    if 'cnx' in locals() or 'cnx' in globals():
        print("Connection closed.")

Output :

Connection successful!
Connection closed.

3. Solution for EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found Error

To fix the “EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found” problem, try the following solutions:

For Incorrect MySQL Installation Path:

  1. Check MySQL Installation: Make sure MySQL is properly installed and has the necessary headers and development files.
  2. Check mysql_config location: Confirm the location of mysql_config using the which mysql_config command. If it is in a different directory, change the PATH environment variable appropriately.
  3. Specify mysql_config location: If the path to mysql_config is not automatically recognised while installing MySQL Connector/Python using pip, use the –mysql-config option to provide it.

For Missing Dependencies or Misconfigured Environment Variables:

  1. Install MySQL Connector/Python: Run pip to install the MySQL Connector/Python package, which will automatically fix configuration issues and satisfy requirements.
  2. Add a directory to PATH: Make sure the directory containing mysql_config is in the PATH environment variable. You may change the PATH variable using export or by altering the system’s configuration files.


When working with MySQL databases, Python developers must know how to fix the “EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found” problem. Developers may guarantee seamless and continuous Python development experiences by adopting preventive precautions and adhering to the troubleshooting procedures mentioned above. Accept the difficulties of debugging mistakes as worthwhile teaching moments for your programming career.

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