How to fix Cannot Insert Explicit Value For Identity Column in Table in SQL

In SQL, the error message “Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table ‘table’ when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF” is a common issue encountered when attempting to insert explicit values into an identity column in a table.

This error occurs because SQL, by default, does not allow explicit values to be inserted into identity columns unless the IDENTITY_INSERT option is explicitly set to ON for that table.In this article, we’ll delve into the causes of this error, how to resolve it, and best practices for working with identity columns in SQL.

Understanding Identity Columns

A unique provision of SQL is the identity column which is a special one of the columns that automatically generates unique numeric values for every added row to the table. These values are usually the primary keys or the surrogate keys which are used to identify de row in the table.

By making a column an identity column, SQL fills that column with the first (seed value) and then the next ones (incremental value) whenever a new row is inserted into the table, until the end of the table. Identity columns offer an easy way to keep table data unique and have no negative impact on the data integrity because that requires no human interference.

Causes of the Error

The error “Cannot insert explicit value for identity column” occurs when attempting to insert explicit values into an identity column without enabling the IDENTITY_INSERT option for that table. This error can happen for several reasons:

  • Misconfigured Insert Statement
  • Scripting Errors
  • Database Configuration
  • Concurrency Issues
  • Data Integrity Concerns

1. Misconfigured Insert Statement

One of the major reasons is the statement INSERT which is accompanied by explicitly-listing values supplied for an identity column, but which is done when the IDENTITY_INSERT option is not turned for that table. SQL Server <b>by default does not allow</b> inserting explicit values to an identity column and if we perform this error condition arises.

2. Scripting Errors

Generating the script was incorrect and the main reason for this error is the wrongness of the INSERT statement that is used to specify the values of the identity column. Developers are not aware that they have included explicit values for primary identifiers and for fill auto-increment without thinking of the values of the auto-incrementing primary identifiers

3. Database Configuration

Sometimes the mistake is a result of an incorrect database setting or the property that doesn’t allow the exact data to be inserted into identity columns. This is because, in the database, there could either be settings or constraints that adhere to the inbuilt function of the identity columns of auto-incrementing the values.

4. Concurrency Issues

In several instances when multiple lines of code are in session at a time, and there is no sync of IDENTITY_INSERT within them, conflict may emerge, and as a result, the above error might show up. When these multiple transactions try to make changes in a single table at the same time, only specific synchronization mechanisms can help solve the problem by avoiding these types of conflicts.

5. Data Integrity Concerns

SQL uses the integrity constraints to get unique, ordered order values for each row of the database. Adding the capability to explicitly insert values but without validation could corrode the data, among other things, contravene the primary key integrity or a unique index requirement.

Resolving the Error

To resolve the “Cannot insert explicit value for identity column” error, you need to ensure that the IDENTITY_INSERT option is appropriately configured for the target table. Here’s how to do it:

  • Enable IDENTITY_INSERT Option
  • Modify Insert Statement
  • Check Table Constraints
  • Verify Script Logic
  • Check Database Configuration
  • Debug Application Code
  • Consider Alternatives

Consider the following example of the database:


1. Enable IDENTITY_INSERT Option

The primary approach to resolve this error is to enable the IDENTITY_INSERT option for the target table. This allows explicit values to be inserted into the identity column temporarily. The steps involved are:

  • Use the following SQL command to enable the IDENTITY_INSERT option for the table:
  • Execute the INSERT statement with explicit values for the identity column.
  • After completing the insertion of explicit values, disable the IDENTITY_INSERT option using:



Output Explanation: The SQL commands manage the identity column in the “EMPLOYEE” table. “SET IDENTITY_INSERT EMPLOYEE ON;” allows inserting specific values into the identity column. “INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE” adds a new record with specified values. “SET IDENTITY_INSERT EMPLOYEE OFF;” restores the default behavior of auto-generating identity column values.

2. Modify Insert Statement

If the intention is not to insert explicit values into the identity column, ensure that the INSERT statement does not specify a value for the identity column. Instead, allow SQL Server to generate the next identity value automatically. For example:

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2) VALUES (value1, value2);


Modify Insert Statement

Output Explanation: The output explanation details an attempt to insert values into the EMPLOYEE table, including an explicit value for the identity column, EMPLOYEEID. SQL Server rejects this due to identity column constraints. Resolution involves removing the explicit ID value or enabling IDENTITY_INSERT for the table before insertion.

3. Check Table Constraints

Review the table’s constraints and ensure that they are not preventing the insertion of explicit values into the identity column. Constraints such as DEFAULT constraints or CHECK constraints might be restricting the values that can be inserted into the column.


Check Table Constraints

Output Explanation: The SQL statement sets a default constraint on the EMPLOYEEID column, auto-incrementing from 1. Attempting to insert a record directly into the EMPLOYEE table with a specified EMPLOYEEID value violates this constraint. Without enabling identity_insert, the system aborts the insertion, enforcing compliance with the constraint.

4. Verify Script Logic

If the error occurs within a script, carefully review the logic of the script to identify any instances where explicit values are being provided for the identity column unintentionally. Correct any scripting errors or oversights accordingly.

5. Check Database Configuration

Ensure that the database settings and configurations are correctly configured to allow the insertion of explicit values into identity columns when necessary. Check for any database-level settings or options that might be affecting the behavior of identity columns.

6. Debug Application Code

If the error is occurring within an application, debug the application code to identify the root cause of the issue. Ensure that the application is generating the INSERT statements correctly and handling identity columns appropriately.

7. Consider Alternatives

In some cases, it might be necessary to reconsider the approach to data manipulation and consider alternative methods for achieving the desired outcome without explicitly inserting values into identity columns. This might involve restructuring the database schema or redesigning the application logic.

Best Practices for Working with Identity Columns

To avoid encountering the “Cannot insert explicit value for identity column” error and ensure smooth operations with identity columns, consider the following best practices:

  • Use Identity Columns Wisely: Reservation of identity columns only to surrogate keys or primary keys that necessarily require auto-generated values with unique values. Don’t try to wedge in values explicitly in the set-up for their identity columns unless it becomes necessary.
  • Review Insert Statements Carefully: Check if the hidden use of identity columns as explicit values is not provided by accident through Insert statements.
  • Enable IDENTITY_INSERT Selectively: USE the IDENTITY_INSERT only in case its activation is required for the value explicitly set into an identity column. Turn it off as soon as you finish it. It ain’t a good idea to leave it on in the long run.
  • Test Scripts Thoroughly: Make sure that the scripts are debugged and any possible mistakes prior the scripts to being implemented in the production environment are removed and changed, so all the issues related to the identity column are rectified.


The error “Cannot insert explicit value for identity column…” in SQL occurs due to attempts to insert values into identity columns without enabling IDENTITY_INSERT. Solutions involve enabling IDENTITY_INSERT, modifying statements, and ensuring data integrity. Adhering to best practices prevents such errors, facilitating smooth data manipulation. By understanding causes and implementing proper fixes, users effectively resolve identity column issues in SQL, ensuring seamless database operations.

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