How to Fix a java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError in Java?

The ‘java.lang. IncompatibleClassChangeError’ is a runtime blunder in Java that happens when the JVM experiences a class whose definition has changed at runtime in a manner that is contradictory with the definition utilized at gather time. This normally happens when a technique or field that was available during gathering is either absent or has an alternate mark at runtime.


To get it and fix the ‘IncompatibleClassChangeError’, you really want an essential comprehension of Java programming, the Java classpath, and the idea of class similarity among gathering and runtime.

Main Concept

The blunder emerges because of a crisscross between the normal construction of a class during gathering and its real design at runtime. This confusion can happen if, for instance, a technique or field is eliminated or changed in a reliant class after the code has been gathered.


We should consider a model where a class named ‘Model’ is incorporated, and another class ‘Reliance’ is changed, causing an ‘IncompatibleClassChangeError’ at runtime.

Example 1: Compilation

public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Dependency dependency = new Dependency();
public class Dependency {
public void printMessage() {
System.out.println("Original message");

Example 2: Modification

Later, the `Dependency` class is modified:

// Modified
public class Dependency {
// Method printMessage() is removed

Presently, in the event that you run the ‘Model’ class without recompiling it, you will experience the ‘IncompatibleClassChangeError’.

Steps to Fix:

To fix the `IncompatibleClassChangeError`, follow these steps:

1. Recompile Code:

Recompile the code that is giving the mistake. In the model, recompile the ‘Model’ class after the alteration in the ‘Reliance’ class.


2. Update Classpath:

Guarantee that the right adaptation of the ordered classes is in your classpath during runtime.

 java -cp . Example

3. Check Dependencies:

Check that the conditions utilized at accumulate time match the conditions utilized at runtime. Bungled conditions can prompt class incongruence.

4. Review Changes:

Assuming you experience the blunder in the wake of refreshing your code or conditions, audit late changes to distinguish adjustments that could cause similarity issues.


The ‘java.lang. IncompatibleClassChangeError’ can be settled by guaranteeing that your code is recompiled, conditions are refreshed, and there are no irregularities between the normal and genuine class structures at runtime. Routinely evaluating and refreshing your codebase, alongside cautious administration of conditions, forestalls such runtime mistakes.

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