How to Find the Percentage of a Number Between Two Numbers?

Answer: To find the percentage of a number between two numbers, subtract the smaller number from the larger number to get the range, then divide the difference between the target number and the smaller number by the range and multiply by 100.

Percentage can be found by using the formula:

Percentage= (Part/Whole) × 100%

To find the percentage of a number between two numbers, first subtract the smaller number from the larger number to find the difference, which represents the whole. Then, subtract the smaller number from the target number to find the part. Next, use the formula to calculate the percentage.

For example, if you want to find the percentage of 75 between 50 and 100:

Whole =100−50=50

Part = 75−50=25

Percentage = (25÷​50) ×100% = (1/2 ) × 100% = 50%

Hence, to find the percentage of a number between two numbers, subtract the smaller number from the larger number to find the range, then divide the difference between the target number and the smaller number by the range, and multiply the result by 100.

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