How to Find Out on Which Port MongoDB is Running

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that operates on a specific port for easy communication between clients and the database server. Having an understanding of the port on which MongoDB is running is essential for connecting to the database and performing various operations.

In this article, we’ll explore different methods to find out on which port MongoDB is running by providing detailed explanations, and examples in detail.

Introduction to MongoDB Port

  • MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, uses a specific port for client-server communication.
  • The default port for MongoDB is 27017, but it can be configured to run on a different port.
  • Knowing the port MongoDB is running on is important for establishing connections and interacting with the database.
  • MongoDB’s port configuration can be found in its configuration file or queried using command line tools.
  • Understanding MongoDB’s port is essential for effective database administration and development tasks.
  • The port on which MongoDB is running is configurable in the MongoDB configuration file allowing administrators to customize the port based on their needs.
  • MongoDB’s default port (27017) is well-documented and widely recognized and making it easy to configure firewalls and networking settings for MongoDB deployments.
  • When connecting to a MongoDB instance from a client application and specifying the correct port is necessary to ensure a successful connection.

How to Find out Which Port Mongo is?

Below is the method that helps us to Find out Which Port Mongo is as follows:

1. Using the MongoDB Configuration File

One way to find out the MongoDB port is by inspecting the configuration file used by MongoDB. The configuration file contains settings and parameters that govern MongoDB’s behavior, including the port configuration.

  • Locate the Configuration File: The MongoDB configuration file is usually named mongod.conf and is located in the MongoDB installation directory.
  • Open the Configuration File: Use a text editor to open the mongod.conf file.
  • Find the Port Configuration: Search for the port parameter in the configuration file. The value associated with this parameter specifies the port on which MongoDB is running.

Example mongod.conf file excerpt:

# network interfaces
port: 27017

In this example, MongoDB is configured to run on port 27017.

2. Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)

Another method to determine the MongoDB port is by using the command line interface (CLI) to query the running MongoDB instance:

Connect to MongoDB: Open a terminal or command prompt and connect to the MongoDB instance using the mongo shell command.


Run the db.serverCmdLineOpts() Command: Once connected to MongoDB, run the db.serverCmdLineOpts() command in the mongo shell. This command retrieves the command-line options and configuration parameters used when starting the MongoDB instance, including the port.


Example output:


In this example, the output indicates that MongoDB is running on port 27017.

3. Using the Operating System’s Network Tools

On Unixlike operating systems (e.g., Linux, macOS), we can use network diagnostic tools to determine the ports on which processes are listening.

Use the netstat Command: Open a terminal and run the netstat command with the –tuln options to list all listening TCP ports.

netstat -tuln

Search for MongoDB Port: Look for an entry in the output that corresponds to MongoDB. The entry will show the local address and port on which MongoDB is listening for incoming connections.

Example output:

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp6 0 0 :::27017 :::* LISTEN

In this example, MongoDB is listening on port 27017.


Overall, Understanding the port on which MongoDB is running is crucial for establishing connections and interacting with the database effectively. By exploring various methods to find out the MongoDB port, including inspecting the configuration file, querying the instance via the command line interface, and using network diagnostic tools, administrators and developers can ensure smooth MongoDB setup and maintenance. These methods provide valuable insights into MongoDB’s configuration, empowering users to manage their MongoDB deployments.

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