How to find 1% of a whole number?

Whole number is defined as the subset of the number system that consists of all positive integers including 0. The number counts from zero to positive infinity. Whole numbers are mostly used for counting, measurement of fundamental quantities, and daily calculations. Positive numbers include zero, which counts from 0 to infinity. These numbers do not include fractions or decimals. Whole numbers are represented by ‘W’. 

Example of whole number (W) = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6…

The only constituents of natural numbers including zero are whole numbers. The subset of whole numbers is given by {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…….}, the set of whole numbers does not include fractions, decimals, and negative integers.

Hence the standard form of the whole numbers is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 90,…


The term “percentage” was derived from the Latin word “per centum”, which means “by the hundred”. A number or ratio that can be expressed as a fraction of 100, to calculate this percentage divide the number by whole and multiply by 100.

Percentage states as a given part or amount in every hundred. The percentage is a fraction with 100 as the denominator. It is represented by the symbol “%“.

How to find one percent of a whole number? 


Percentage itself means a part per hundred. The word percent called percent per 100. It is denoted by %. Percent can be represented in decimal as well as fraction.

Formulae to calculate the Percentage = (Value/Total Value)×100


  • 20% of 200 is equal to (20/100) × 200 = 40
  • 30% is equal to 30/100 = 3/10
  • 70% is equal to 70/100 = 7/10 ……

To find one percent of whole number 

Example 1: Find the 1% percent of 50?

Solution: 1% of  50 is equal to 1/100 × 50 

                                  = 50/100

                                  = 1/2

Therefore 1% of 50 is 1/2 

Example 2: Find the 1% of 1000?

Solution: 1 % of 1000 is equal to {1/100 × 1000}

                                = 1000/100

                                = 10 

Sample Questions

Question 1: Find the 20 % of 100?


Here 20% we can write as 20/100 

Now 20% of 100 

and multiply the whole number 100 by 20/100

            = (20/100) × 100 

By simplifying 

            = 20 

therefore the 20% of 100 is 20

Question 2: At the shop, there is 30% off on purchases worth Rs 5000. Find the percentage in value?


Here the off is 30% 

cost of product = 5000 

Now to find 30% of 5000 

We can write as 30% = 30/100 

Now multiply the whole 5000 by 30/100 

   = 5000 × 30/100

By simplifying 

   =  50 × 30

   = 1500

So there will be Rs 1500 off on purchase of worth Rs 5000

therefore the percentage of 30% in value is 1500

Question 3: Find 25% of 500?


Here 25 % we can write as 25/100

Now 25% of 500

and multiply the whole number 500 by 25/100

           = (25/100) × 500

By simplifying

           = 125

therefore the 25 % of 500 is 125

Question 4: If Sam scored 30 marks in his math test, Find out the percentage he got in maths?


Total marks = 100

Sam scored = 30 

now percentage (%) = (marks gained /Total Marks) × 100

                                 = 30/100 × 100

                                 = 30%

Question 5: Find 35 % of 500?


Here 35 % we can write as 35/100

Now 35% of 500

Multiply the number 500 by 35/100

          = (35/100) × 500

By simplifying

          = 175

Therefore the 35 % of 500 is 175

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