How to enable custom robots.txt file in Blogger ?

robots.txt is a sample txt file where we place a small piece of code to tell search engine crawlers to crawl and index your website pages on search engines. Adding robots.txt will help a website to handle which pages should crawl & index and also to tell which pages should not.

Follow the steps to enable custom robots.txt in Blogger.

Step 1: Log in to your blogger account with your Gmail account.

Step 2: From the left menu click on “Setting”

Now, navigate to Crawlers and indexing section.

Step 3: Enable the Custom robots.txt 

After enabling the toggle button >> Click on “Custom robots.txt” 

Add this simple piece of code to “Custom robots.txt” and Click “Save”

User-agent: *
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://<subdomain_name>.<domain_name>.<tld>/sitemap.xml



User-agent: *
Allow: /

For Syntax and for adding more advanced features, Refer to the following link:

Step 4:  Enable custom robots header tags

Step 5: After enabling the toggle button of custom robots header tags >> Click on “Home Page tags” >> Enable “all” and “noodp” toggles and Click on “Save”

Step 6: Then, Click on “Archive and search page tags” >> Enable “noindex” and “noodp” toggles and Click on “Save”.

Then, Click on  “Post and page tags” >> Enable “all” and “noodp” toggles and Click on “Save”:



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