How to Efficiently Convert Rows to Columns in MariaDB?

In the area of database management, the ability to convert rows to columns efficiently is a valuable skill. MariaDB, a popular open-source relational database management system offers various methods to achieve this transformation.

In this article, we’ll learn about How to Convert Rows into Columns in MariaDB with the help of various methods along with examples and so on.

How to Convert Rows into Columns?

Sometimes when dealing with databases there are some situations where data stored in rows needs to be pivoted or converted into columns for better analysis or reporting. Below are the approaches that help us to convert rows to columns in MariaDB are as follows:

  1. Using Aggregate Functions with Conditional Expressions
  2. Using GROUP_CONCAT Function
  3. Dynamic Pivot with Prepared Statements

Let’s set up an environment to Convert Rows into Columns

To understand How to efficiently convert rows to columns in MariaDB we need a table on which we will perform various operations and queries. Here we will consider a table called sales which contains product_name, sales_quantity, and sales_date as Columns.

1. Using Aggregate Functions with Conditional Expressions

SUM(CASE WHEN product_name = 'Product A' THEN sales_quantity ELSE 0 END) AS Product_A_Sales,
SUM(CASE WHEN product_name = 'Product B' THEN sales_quantity ELSE 0 END) AS Product_B_Sales,
SUM(CASE WHEN product_name = 'Product C' THEN sales_quantity ELSE 0 END) AS Product_C_Sales
FROM SalesData;


Explanation: In the above query, We uses the SUM function with a CASE statement to pivot the sales_data table, converting rows with monthly sales amounts into columns for each month for example: January, February etc. The result is a summary of total sales for each product_name across different months.

2. Using GROUP_CONCAT Function

GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN product_name = 'Product A' THEN sales_quantity END) AS Product_A_Sales,
GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN product_name = 'Product B' THEN sales_quantity END) AS Product_B_Sales,
GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN product_name = 'Product C' THEN sales_quantity END) AS Product_C_Sales
FROM SalesData;


Explanation: In the above query, We uses the GROUP_CONCAT function with a CASE statement to pivot the SalesData table converting rows with sales quantities for each product into columns for each product (Product A, Product B, Product C). The result is a summary of sales quantities for each product in separate columns

3. Dynamic Pivot with Prepared Statements

SET @sql = NULL;
'MAX(CASE WHEN product_name = ''',
''' THEN sales_quantity ELSE NULL END) AS ',
product_name, '_Sales'
) INTO @sql
SELECT DISTINCT product_name FROM SalesData
) t;
SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT ', @sql, ' FROM SalesData;');
PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;


Explanation: In the above dynamicQuery, the statement prepares and executes a query to pivot the SalesData table. It first generates a list of columns using the DISTINCT product names, then constructs a SELECT statement with MAX(CASE WHEN…) for each product to pivot the data. The final SELECT statement is executed to display the pivoted data.


Overall, convert rows to columns in MariaDB is important for effective data analysis and reporting. We have seen various methods like aggregate functions with conditional expressions, GROUP_CONCAT function and dynamic pivot with prepared statements the users can efficiently transform data structures to fulfill analytical needs. These techniques offer flexibility and scalability also enabling users to extract valuable insights and make informed decisions based on their data. By mastering these methods, users can take advantage of full potential of their data and drive business success through informed decisionmaking and strategic planning.

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