How To Dynamically Resize Button Text in Tkinter?

In this article, we will see how to make the button text size dynamic. Dynamic means whenever button size will change, the button text size will also change. In Tkinter there is no in-built function, that will change the button text size dynamically.


  • Create button and set sticky to all direction
  • Set bind, what bind will do, whenever button size change it will call resize function that we will create later.
  • Inside the resize function, we will have a different condition, depends on the main window geometry/size.
  • Set row and column configure

Let’s understand with step-by-step implementation:

Step 1: Creates a normal Tkinter window.


# Import module
from tkinter import *
# Create object
root = Tk()
# Adjust size
# Execute tkinter


Step 2: Create a button inside the main window.


# Import module
from tkinter import *
# Create object
root = Tk()
# Adjust size
# Create Buttons
button_1 = Button(root , text = "Button 1")
# Set grid
button_1.grid(row = 0,column = 0)
# Execute tkinter


Step 3: Resizing the button text size

Inside the resize function, the “e” value will tell the main window width and height.


# resize button text size
def resize(e):
    # get window width
    size = e.width/10
    # define text size on different condition
    # if window height is greater
    # than 300 and less than 400 (set font size 40)
    if e.height <= 400 and e.height > 300:
        button_1.config(font = ("Helvetica", 40))
    # if window height is greater than
    # 200 and less than 300 (set font size 30)
    elif e.height < 300 and e.height > 200:
        button_1.config(font = ("Helvetica", 30))
    # if window height is less than 200 (set font size 40)
    elif e.height < 200:
        button_1.config(font = ("Helvetica", 40))

Below is the full implementation:


# Import module
from tkinter import *
# Create object
root = Tk()
# Adjust size
# Specify Grid
Grid.columnconfigure(root, index = 0,
                     weight = 1)
Grid.rowconfigure(root, 0,
                  weight = 1)
# Create Buttons
button_1 = Button(root, text = "Button 1")
# Set grid
button_1.grid(row = 0,
              column = 0, sticky = "NSEW")
# resize button text size
def resize(e):
    # get window width
    size = e.width/10
    # define text size on different condition
    # if window height is greater
    # than 300 and less than 400 (set font size 40)
    if e.height <= 400 and e.height > 300:
        button_1.config(font = ("Helvetica", 40))
    # if window height is greater than
    # 200 and less than 300 (set font size 30)
    elif e.height < 300 and e.height > 200:
        button_1.config(font = ("Helvetica", 30))
    # if window height is less
    # than 200 (set font size 40)
    elif e.height < 200:
        button_1.config(font = ("Helvetica", 40))
# it will call resize function
# when window size will change
root.bind('<Configure>', resize)
# Execute tkinter


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