How to disable autocomplete of an HTML input field ?

In this article, we will learn how to disable or off autocomplete features of a particular input field in HTML form. As we know the autocomplete feature is used to allow a browser to automatically complete the input data value based on the values that the user entered before. The latest browsers support enabled autocomplete by default.

The autocomplete feature faster the process of filling the form. In case of low internet excess or session expiration, if the autocomplete is enabled then the browser automatically fills the data values that the user entered before. 


<input type="text" autocomplete="off">

Attribute Values:

Attribute Values



It specifies that autocomplete is enabled.


It specifies that the autocomplete is disabled.

Example: The below code demonstrates that a form has two input fields, one with autocomplete status is on and in the other field autocomplete feature is off.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        How to disable autocomplete
        of an HTML input field?
<body style="text-align:center;">
        How to disable autocomplete
        of an HTML input field?
    <form id="myBeginner">
        Name:<input type="text" id="text_id"
                    name="Beginner" autocomplete="on">
        Address: <input type="Address"
                        name="address" autocomplete="off">
        <input type="submit">


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